Jonas M Hoeck

Ph.D. student, former folk high school teacher, and leader.
My current research deals with natural science, technology, nature (or the non-human) and intermediality in new danish and nordic literature. It is a project that primarily examines the relationship between contemporary hybrid literature/art and what is broadly called new materialist philosophy in the danish author Amalie Smiths collected books. I have previously written about Thomas Mann and the history of medical science, Theodor Storm and ecocriticism, green philosophy, Helena Granström and ecocriticism and about the relationship between politics and literature. As a result of my literary and cultural investigations, I occasionally write more popular articles for the mainstream media.
I am a member of the Research Group for Culture Studies (KuFo), a member of KAU's grand committee, and a member of the committee for the Danish fund Østifterne. I have been the vice-chair of the board of the Graduate Student Association at KAU.
In addition to my work, I also give lectures and talks, and here I have experience from Odense Central Library, University of Southern Denmark, Danish Cultural Institute, Askov Højskole, Oure Højskole, Vejen gymnasium, Folkuniversitetet in Karlstad, Ribe Domkirkes onsdagshøjskole and various university conferences.
Download my full CV.
If you want to collaborate you are welcome to contact me at or at
Research Areas
- Danish/German border literature
- Natural science and literature
- Medicine and literature
- Body and sickness
- Hybrid arts
- Literature and politics
- Nature and the non-human
- Landscape and ecology
- Place and atmosphere
- Green philosophy
I have worked in the areas of culture, education, and leadership for the last 10+ years. I have been a leader and developer on many different projects, and I have taught at all levels, from primary school to university.
I have done 80 hours of courses in academic pedagogy.
I have been both course responsible and teacher on the a and b courses in literature. I do the so called b-uppsats subvision and examination. I teach 20% of my full time here on KAU. And I have been teaching in the following:
- Ancient Greece and early christianity
- The Renaissance
- Shakespeare's drama and sonnet
- Romanticism
- Naturalism and Realism
- The Modern Breakthrough
- Modernisme
- Existentialism
- The 1960's
- Ecocriticism
- Intermediality
- Reader-response theory
- Non-fiction novels
- How to write academic papers
Education/Academic qualification
- 2023 - 2024 | Guest Student, Stockholm University
- 2022 | Guest Student, Linnaeus University
- 2021 | Guest Student, Royal Danish Academy
- 2021 | Guest Student, Södertörn University
- 2020 | Guest Student, Uppsala University
- 2015 - 2018 | Master in Comparative Literature, University of Southern Denmark
- 2016 | Guest Student, University of Oslo UIO
- 2012 - 2015 | Bachelor in Comparative Literature, University of Southern Denmark
- 2015 | Exchange Student, Oslo and Akershus University College Campus in Pondicherry India
Teaching experience
- 2019 - now | Teaching at Karlstad University, Literature
- 2018 | Lead teacher, Literature and creative writing, Askov Højskole
- 2017 | Research Internship, Comparative Literature, University of Southern Denmark
- 2017 | Academic Supervisor, Comparative Literature, University of Southern Denmark
- 2010 - 2017 | Teaching in different highschool's, folk highschool's, and at cultural events
Conference attendance
- 2024 | Grammatikdagen - Karlstad University
- 2024 | Årskonference 2024: Åndens krise - Århus University
- 2023 | Vadehavet i litteraturen - Flensborg University
- 2023 | Årskonference 2023: Myten og meningsløsheden - Århus University
- 2022 | Årskonference 2022: På tærsklen til post-liberalismen? - Århus University
- 2022 | Bildung, education and subject didactics in the Anthropocene epoch - Karlstad University
- 2021 | Time and History - Karlstad University
- 2020 | Litteraturvetenskap, miljö och hålbarhet - Göteborg University
- 2020 | Den svenska naturessän - Örebro University
- 2019 | The Uses of Aesthetics - Karlstad University
- Jonas Hoeck, 2024
- Jonas Hoeck, 2023
- Jonas Hoeck, 2020
- Jonas M. Hoeck, 2018
- Jonas Hoeck, 2017
- Jonas Hoeck, 2017