Gabriella Torell-Palmquist

List of publications:
Thorell, G. (2017) Framåt Marsch! Ridlärarrollen från dåtid till samtid med perspektiv på framtid. Doktorsavhandling vid Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för kost och idrottsvetenskap. Gothenburg studies in educational sciences 397.
Rosén A., Torell Palmquist, G. and Hedenborg, S. (2021) The Competent Child and (in)Competent Others. Horse-riding School Activities for Preschool Children. Submitted and accepted in Sport in Society - Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. Published online: 27 Dec 2021.
Hedenborg, S., Torell Palmquist G. and Rosén A. (2021) The Emergence of the Swedish Horse-Riding School from the mid 2th century. The International Journal of the History of Sport. Published online: 26 Aug 2021.
Thorell, G., Augustsson, C., Stråhlman, O., and Morgan, K. (2017) The Swedish riding school: A social arena for young riders. Sport in Society - Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. Published online: 20 Oct 2017.
Thorell, G., Hedenborg, S., Stråhlman, O., and Morgan, K. (2016) From giving orders to
engaging in dialogue: Military norms being challenged at the Swedish riding school.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Published online: 5 Sep 2016.
Thorell, G. & Hedenborg, S. (2015) Riding Instructors, Gender, Militarism, and Stable Culture in Sweden: Continuity and Change in the Twentieth Century. The International Journal of the History of Sport, vol32, nr 5 March 2015, pp 650-666.
Networks (member):
Equestrian Educational Network (EEN)
An network for the most prestigious National equestrian centres in Europe.
Gabriella Torell Palmquist och Åsa Steninger represents Ridskolan Strömsholm.
The European Society for Research on Equestrian Cultures (ESREC)
A network for academic researchers within the humanities and social sciences with an interest in research relating to horses, riding and other horse related activities.
Utbildnings- och idrottsvetenskapliga studier av Barn och Barndom (UBB)
A edaucational and pedagogical network for researchers at Karlstads University.
Utvalda publikationer
Thorell, G. (2017) Framåt Marsch! Ridlärarrollen från dåtid till samtid med perspektiv på framtid. Doktorsavhandling vid Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för kost och idrottsvetenskap. Gothenburg studies in educational sciences 397.
Rosén A., Torell Palmquist, G. and Hedenborg, S. (2021) The Competent Child and (in)Competent Others. Horse-riding School Activities for Preschool Children. Submitted and accepted in Sport in Society - Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. Published online: 27 Dec 2021.
Hedenborg, S., Torell Palmquist G. and Rosén A. (2021) The Emergence of the Swedish Horse-Riding School from the mid 2th century. The International Journal of the History of Sport. Published online: 26 Aug 2021.
Thorell, G., Augustsson, C., Stråhlman, O., and Morgan, K. (2017) The Swedish riding school: A social arena for young riders. Sport in Society - Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. Published online: 20 Oct 2017.
Thorell, G., Hedenborg, S., Stråhlman, O., and Morgan, K. (2016) From giving orders to engaging in dialogue: Military norms being challenged at the Swedish riding school. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Published online: 5 Sep 2016.
Thorell, G. & Hedenborg, S. (2015) Riding Instructors, Gender, Militarism, and Stable Culture in Sweden: Continuity and Change in the Twentieth Century. The International Journal of the History of Sport, vol32, nr 5 March 2015, pp 650-666.
- Susanna Hedenborg, Mathilde Kronborg, Anna Sätre, Aage Radmann, Gabriella Torell-Palmquist, Petra Andersson, 2024
- Annika Rosén, Gabriella Thorell, Susanna Hedenborg, 2022
- Susanna Hedenborg, Gabriella Torell Palmquist, Annika Rosén, 2021
- Gabriella Thorell, Susanna Hedenborg, Owe Stråhlman, Karin Morgan, 2018
- Gabriella Thorell, Christian Augustsson, Owe Stråhlman, Karin Morgan, 2018