» Utbildning
» Att läsa på HHK
» Att studera på Handelshögskolan
Traditionally, the academia provides education based on science and tested practice. But more is required today: Being a good team member, to communicate well, resolve conflicts, plan a career. At Karlstad Business School we call it Professional Skills®. It involves transferring knowledge from head to hand.
Professional Skills is both a course and a mind set. We value the cooperation with industry, organisations and public services highly.
Traditionally, the academia provides education based on science and tested practice. But more is required today: Being a good team member, to communicate well, resolve conflicts, plan a career. At Karlstad Business School we call it Professional Skills®. It involves transferring knowledge from head to hand.
Professional Skills is both a course and a mind set. We value the cooperation with industry, organisations and public services highly.
This European research project began in January 2018 and aims to study the consequences of prolonging the working lives of men and women.
Dynamics of Accumulated Inequalities for Seniors in Employment, DAISE, is a three year project financed by among others the Norface network (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe). Five countries are engaged in the study: Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden and the Czech Republic.
In most Eu
This page provides brief information to new and old employees on the employment terms, rights and duties that apply to employees at Karlstad University. Some of the links in the text to further information on Inslaget, which is the university's intranet. You will have access to it as soon as you join us.
There will be a national minute of silence on Tuesday 11 February in honour of the victims of the tragedy in Örebro. Karlstad University will participate.
The initiative of a national minute of silence was declared by the Swedish government, who also urge that flags be flown at half-mast from 09.00 until the moment of silence has ended.
– 4 February will forever mark a dark day in Swedish history.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
» Kompetensutveckling & karriärstöd
New Karlstad University employees have the opportunity to receive support from a colleague during the first period of employment to get a good start in the new workplace.
Each semester, we organise an employee induction programme, called “Welcome Day” for new employees, providing information related to your position at the university as well as information on university operations.
The programme includes a number of areas of interest, such as staffing policies, work environment, co-workership, and organisation.
» Studentsamverkan
» Samarbeta med studenter
Information for you as an employer. The Career Portal is Karlstad University’s online platform, developed in collaboration with JobTeaser. Through the Career Portal, you as an employer can reach students and new graduates from Karlstad University who are looking for jobs, placements, degree projects and project opportunities, for free.
Are you interested in business administration and sustainable development? Do you want to become an expert on addressing global challenges to contribute to a more sustainable future?
Each semester, Welcome Day is arranged for new employees, providing information related to your position as well as information about Karlstad University as an organisation. The day is a great opportunity to get a tour around the premises and last but not least; to meet some of your new colleagues. We hope you take the opportunity to participate!Date: 2024-10-03Time: 08.30-16.00Registration: To be sent to newstaff@kau.se.
Om universitetet
» Om Karlstads universitet
» Fakta om universitetet
» Med anledning av invasionen av Ukraina
On this page, we have gathered all information related to employment and internship at Karlstad University, if you are from Ukraine.
Are you a researcher?
If you have worked as a researcher in any of the research subjects present at Karlstad University, employment is a possibility.
Work-related stress is a serious problem for employee wellbeing and employer efficiency.
– We use cutting-edge deep tech solutions which provide objective and immediate insights, says Poja Shams, senior lecturer in Business Administration at Karlstad Business School and the Service Research Center (CTF).
IVA’s annual 100 List puts the spotlight on current research projects that are considered to have great potential to create value through commercialisation, business and
» Studentsamverkan
» Samarbeta med studenter
You can strengthen your employer brand by visiting the University, giving lectures and inviting students to your organisation.
Just as students benefit from early contacts with employers, employers stand to gain from being seen and noticed at the University.
Before arriving at Karlstad University and your new employment, there are some things you need to do and to consider. For example, If you are a non-EU citizen, the first thing you need to do is to apply for a residence permit.
As employer you can choose to train your staff through Karlstad university. Risk- and environmental studies are active in a number of professional training programmes through Karlstad university Uppdrags AB.
Karlstad Business School has approximately 130 employees. What brings us together is a deep interest in economics and business.
Around 2 500 students every year choose to study programmes or courses at Karlstad Business School, either first or second cycle. Most of the academics also conduct research in one of the multidisciplinary research centres or in their subject area.
Labor market intermediary platforms and mediatization in the Swedish gig economy.
The SWEGIG project combines working life science with media studies in order to examine the consequences of this mediatization through a case study of producers and users of these digital media platforms.
» Forskning och samverkan
» Forskning
» Forskning inom Informatik
Today's society must be prepared to manage a complex threat scenario. In order to attain good emergency management, it is essential to practice organization and its employees.
Traditional crisis exercise methods, with physical meetings, is costly and time consuming to plan and conduct causing many organizations practice too little and with too few people.
» Samverkan
» Samverkan vid HHK
» Alumn och partners
Alumnus is Latin and stands for student protection. For a long time, it has been a well-known expression to speak of former students, or former employees, at the university.
Alumni is a network for all current and former students at Karlstad Business School. As an alumnus, you are important to us.
The university's external relations officers are here to facilitate collaborations between students and the working life. Our aim is to shorten the time between studies and employment.
If you are interested in working with us and/or with our students, there are plenty of opportunities for it – for instance internships, degree theses, mentorships and job fairs.
» Forskningsstöd
» Forskarstöd
» Grants and Innovation Office
You can contact the Grants and Innovation Office via the e-mail address gio@kau.se or by contacting one of the employees directly below.
Håkan Spjuth, Head of Grants and Innovation Office
Håkan Spjuth is the Head of Grants and Innovation Office (GIO). Håkan is also the CEO of KaU Holding AB and KaU Innovation AB.
Håkan is the Chairman of the Board for Sting Bioeconomy, an incubator and accelerator with focus on startups and innovation in the bioeconomy field.
» Samverkan
» Samverkan vid HHK
» Event och arrangemang
Karlstad Business School arranges meetings between students and future employers. Breakfast meetings, internship, field trips, degree thesis and writing projects are some examples of such opportunities.
The Breakfast meetings are mostly in Swedish, but international students are welcome to join.
Om universitetet
» Om Karlstads universitet
» Vårt ansvar
» Universitetspedagogik
Below, you log in to Canvas* via various links depending on whether you are a student, employed at Karlstad University or other universities, or alternatively belong to the other users group.
Login as Student
NOTE! If you as a student are unable to log in, despite registering for a course, it's because the course not yet is published. Please try again later or contact your course administration.