Guest lectures and field trips
You can strengthen your employer brand by visiting the University, giving lectures and inviting students to your organisation.
Just as students benefit from early contacts with employers, employers stand to gain from being seen and noticed at the University. We cooperate with several organisations and companies on a regular basis in degree programmes in the form of guest lectures and visits.
Guest lectures
We regularly receive representatives of different organisations and companies for guest lectures in degree programmes. Students are introduced to reality and employers have the opportunity to influence and recruit future employees and give them and the university new perspectives and input, thus contributing to progress in education.
You can strengthen your employer brand by opening your business and showing how it works in practice. Some students may never have been in the kind of workplace for which their studies are designed to prepare them. From experience, we know that this also gives students expectations that match reality better. If you are interested in improving your employer brand and our degree programmes, let us know and tell us how!