Each semester, we organise an employee induction programme, called “Welcome Day” for new employees, providing information related to your position at the university as well as information on university operations.
The programme includes a number of areas of interest, such as staffing policies, work environment, co-workership, and organisation.
Each semester, Welcome Day is arranged for new employees, providing information related to your position as well as information about Karlstad University as an organization.
Each semester, we organise an employee induction programme, called “Welcome Day” for new employees, providing information related to your position at the university as well as information on university operations. Lunch and fika are included.The programme includes a number of areas of interest, such as staffing policies, work environment, co-workership and organisation. Parts of the university management usually participate to inform about vision and strategy etc.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
» Kompetensutveckling & karriärstöd
New Karlstad University employees have the opportunity to receive support from a colleague during the first period of employment to get a good start in the new workplace.
Karlstad City tour - learn a little bit about Karlstad’s history, and where some of the public facilities are located.Not only a good opportunity to see and learn more about Karlstad, but also a perfect opportunity to meet new colleagues and make new contacts. Family members are welcome to participate.Register at newstaff@kau.seFinal Day to register: August 31stCost: No fee
High employee proactivity can, for example, compensate for delays in customer service situations and thereby mitigate the negative effects of waiting.
Employee proactivity has been discussed as a key factor in company success and organisational performance.
Each semester, Welcome Day is arranged for new employees, providing information related to your position as well as information about Karlstad University as an organisation. The day is a great opportunity to get a tour around the premises and last but not least; to meet some of your new colleagues. We hope you take the opportunity to participate!Date: 2024-10-03Time: 08.30-16.00Registration: To be sent to newstaff@kau.se.
Karlstad Business School has approximately 130 employees. What brings us together is a deep interest in economics and business.
Around 2 500 students every year choose to study programmes or courses at Karlstad Business School, either first or second cycle. Most of the academics also conduct research in one of the multidisciplinary research centres or in their subject area.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
Karlstad University offers employees many opportunities for skills training and support related to career development. The links below present different types of career support
Career support for researchers
Career support: teaching and supervision
Career support for all employees
Exchanges and collaboration
Our physical environment – the way it looks and functions both inside and outside – matters a lot for the university to attract students and employees.
The document Campusplan 2040 points out the long-term direction for the university’s physical environment. The plan has been created as a collaboration project between the university and Akademiska hus.
This page provides brief information to new and old employees on the employment terms, rights and duties that apply to employees at Karlstad University. There are some clickable links in the text to further information on Inslaget, which is the university's intranet. You will have access to it as soon as you join us.
» Forskning och samverkan
» Forskning
» Forskning inom Informatik
Today's society must be prepared to manage a complex threat scenario. In order to attain good emergency management, it is essential to practice organization and its employees.
Traditional crisis exercise methods, with physical meetings, is costly and time consuming to plan and conduct causing many organizations practice too little and with too few people.
» Forskningsstöd
» Forskarstöd
» Grants and Innovation Office
You can contact the Grants and Innovation Office via the e-mail address gio@kau.se or by contacting one of the employees directly below.
Håkan Spjuth, Head of Grants and Innovation Office
Håkan Spjuth is the Head of Grants and Innovation Office (GIO). Håkan is also the CEO of KaU Holding AB and KaU Innovation AB.
Håkan is the Chairman of the Board for Sting Bioeconomy, an incubator and accelerator with focus on startups and innovation in the bioeconomy field.
» Samverkan
» Samverkan vid HHK
» Alumn och partners
Alumnus is Latin and stands for student protection. For a long time, it has been a well-known expression to speak of former students, or former employees, at the university.
Alumni is a network for all current and former students at Karlstad Business School. As an alumnus, you are important to us.
» Utbildning
» Att läsa på HHK
» Att studera på Handelshögskolan
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to contribute to a good working environment for all employees and students and to support our work on systematic quality development.
The students, enrolled in the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Programme with a focus on forest bioeconomy, had the opportunity to visit Billerud Gruvön.
In addition to keep up with novel research ideas and methods, it is also important for researchers to seek opportunities for professional development in relation to their work.
In the last ten years, relatively large groups have entered the labour market. At the same time, most societal sectors have expressed a clear skills shortage. The next ten years are expected to be even tougher and competition for skilled employees will intensify.
This development will also likely be reflected in a growing demand for higher education, where we can expect increasing competition to attract students.
Researchers and doctoral students at Karlstad University can receive support, advice and funding opportunities for the development of innovative ideas. Just Contact The Grants and Innovation Office. There is also a similar support for other employees and students.
Om universitetet
» Om Karlstads universitet
» Akademiska högtider
Robert MacKenzie comes from Leeds in Great Britain. He lived in various places around Britain in his twenties but ended up spending the majority of his academic career in the Work and Employment Relations Division of Leeds University Business School.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
Karlstad University is a public institution. Staff members are therefore civil servants working on behalf of citizens – this responsibility is demanding, but also holds extra benefits. All government employees, irrespective of their professions, share the following core values:
All public power in Sweden proceeds from the people. The people elect representatives to the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag.
» Sök
» Sök information
» Databaser & artiklar
Students and employees can access library resources outside campus by logging in with KauID. At the top of this page, we list current problems we know of and things you can do yourself to solve or at least work around these problems.
No known problems at the moment.
Contact the university library for help with access to our e-resources.
Log in using your KauID
First choose a database, e-journal, e-book etc.
Om universitetet
» Organisation
» Ledning och styrelse
The overall control and responsibility for higher education and research in Sweden lies with the Swedish Parliament and the Government. The highest decision-making body within the university is the University Board.