News archive for "Hhk"

Johan Renault, master program student in marketing, how was your green journey to Schwäbisch Hall in Germany? - The journey went extremely well. It was fun to drive down all together, and we got to know each other along the way since we did not know each other before, so it was really fun. We stopped a few times along the way, but it actually didn’t feel that long when driving down all together, and we didn’t get bored.
As part of the law programme at Karlstad Business School, students get to experience a mock trial at Värmland District Court in Karlstad. On Friday 10 March, students participated in a mock trial in Karlstad as part of the course Methods in Tax Law. Four groups represented the parties – the Swedish Tax Agency and the person charged with tax fraud. The chief judge, Ulrika Melin, welcomed the students in the court waiting room.
2023-03-09, a leading academic platform for researchers, has released its annual list of top researchers in the field of business and management. Bo Edvardsson, professor of business administration at Karlstad business school, is ranked 191 on the international list. Nationally, lists Bo Edvardsson significantly higher, which puts him in an impressive second place. Congratulations Bo Edvardsson.
The revenue generated by orbital and suborbital space travel is expected to soar to 214 billion dollars by 2030. The increased access to space travel has created a space market. Space tourism, a niche part of the flight industry, has radically transformed the private sector.
In her doctoral thesis, “Tensions experienced and balancing strategies used in Agile Software Development environments”, Carin Lindskog focuses on the contradictions and tensions that can arise when applying agile working methods. - There is still a lack of knowledge even though it has been around for over twenty years. - My thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of Agile Software Development (ASD), says Carin Lindskog, who recently completed her PhD in Informatio
After a year of many and rapid changes, we would like to wish all of our students and staff a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with a summary of an eventful 2022. - It has been fantastic fun to follow our Business School in 2022 - it is clear who we are, what we want and what we have achieved, says Marie-Therese Christiansson acting Head of Karlstad Business School.
The article “How experts screen ideas: The complex interplay of intuition, analysis and sensemaking” have received Albert L. Page award. Tell us about the article - How experts screen ideas: The complex interplay of intuition, analysis and sensemaking - Our article reveals how experts from technological companies screen ideas for innovations, says co-author, Alexandre Sukhov at Karlstad Business School and CTF.
With the article “Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach”, researchers at Karlstad Business School and the subject of psychology have attracted global attention. - This shows that our research has an impact, says Alexandre Sukhov. Alexandre Sukhov, Margareta Friman and Lars E.
What are the long-term effects of the current economic situation, for both consumers and producers? And how can we guide young adults towards more sustainable consumption. Researchers at Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University answer questions on this subject. Producers want to sell their products, of course, but many will experience lower sales figures.
Alexander Rodosek, visiting lecturer at Karlstad Business School, works with developing teaching in a pedagogical perspective at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at the TH Köln University. Can you tell us a more about your work? – You could say that I’m a link between the Academic Development Team (the equivalent to UPE at Karlstad University) och the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, says Alexander Rodosek.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
Per Skålén, Professor of Business Administration, is one of the authors behind the article “Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity” published in Marketing Theory. In the article, the researchers approach marketing in a new way. – Marketing has traditionally focused on company resources and how these can create value.
Jörg Pareigis has been awarded the prestigeous "Emerald Literati Award 2022" for the article ”Office types and worker´s cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective” published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology. The article, written by researchers Tobias Otterbring, University of Agder, Christina Bodin Danielsson, KTH, and Jörg Pareigis, examines the links between office types and employees' subjective well-being regarding cognitive and affective evalu
Vaccinating a large enough portion of the population against various diseases is a constant challenge. Despite COVID-19 vaccination being offered for free, many people are still not fully vaccinated.