At Karlstad University research is pursued in traditional academic disciplines as well as in multi-disciplinary fields based on the needs of society.
Exciting research projects are always in progress in the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, both in traditional academic subjects and in multidisciplinary research environments, often in collaboration with the outside world. Below are some of our major research areas, more information about our research you will find on the research pages of the disciplines.
Computer Science
Computer Science is the study of both the theorethical and the practical aspects of software development. Read more at Computer Science
Materials Research
CMM is composed of scientists from different disciplines; materials engineering, material physics, mechanics and manufacturing.
Read more at Materials Research
DAMI4.0, a strategic collaboration hub for needs-driven research in smart industries.
Leading towards smarter, more adaptive, sustainable and resilient factories and supply chains through digitalization based on a human-centric approach.
The DAMI4.0 Center is a significant research and innovation environment at Karlstad University which conducts research on digital advanced manufacturing for Industry 4.0, as well as further develops key enabling technologies for Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing to meet industrial requirements.
Companies may also use the center as a testing environment for their own projects, or for joint research and development projects. The Center will showcase, using real-world demonstrators, how cyber-physical systems can be implemented in future manufacturing scenarios in order to develop adaptive manufacturing processes. Read more at DAMI4.0
The Promoting health and the quality of care programme includes three research areas that partly overlap:
- Models and innovations for safe healthcare
- Handling complex illnesses
- Expertise and professional development in healthcare
Read more at Promoting health and the quality of care
The subject public health science boasts strong research groups with strong ties to the community. Research profiles include psychosocial health and the lives and health of children. In these profiles the spotlight falls on vulnerable/risk groups and a life-course approach is adopted. Read more at Research in public health science
NRRV, River Ecology and Management Research Group
River Ecology and Management Research Group conducts basic and applied research on many aspects of aquatic ecosystems. Read more at NRRV, River Ecology and Management Research Group
Pro2BE, Processes and Products for a circular BioEconomy
Pro2BE is the research environment at Karlstad University that focuses on the transformation of the present economic/technical culture which is based on consumption of non-renewable resources to a bioeconomy based on circularity of environment-friendly renewable resources and on the development of the forest-industry. Read more at Pro2BE
PSC, Paper Surface Centre
Paper Surface Centre is a prime international research centre for future sustainable functional surfaces of paper and paperboard. Read more at PSC
SOLA, SOLution-borne materaials for organic elekctronic Applications
Karlstad University is leading this research project focusing on polymer solar cells. Main objective is to understand the role of the molecular interactions in polymer-polymer de-mixing during thin film formation. Read more at SOLA