Department of Social and Psychological Studies
The Department of Social and Psychological Studies comprises the following subjects:

Students eager to explore the realms of social and psychological studies find their academic home with us. Our main programs are: Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Behavioral Science Programme, and Master of Science in Psychology Programme. In several subjects, students have the opportunity to pursue degrees at both undergraduate (bachelor) and advanced (master) levels.
Each subject offers standalone courses both on campus and distance, available for full-time or part-time studies. Part of the department's activities includes courses in teacher-education programs.
Our research spans several areas and addresses contemporary challenges faced and experienced by individuals, groups, communities, and societies throughout life. The research is conducted through interdisciplinary research collaborations.
Priority research areas include: Intimacy and health as well as Life course perspectives. Other research areas include: clinical psychology; behavioral psychology; consumer psychology; everyday life psychology; transgender studies; masculinity research; gender, health, and technology; organizational change work; critical welfare studies; applied welfare studies; power, resistance, and organization; critical age studies; personal life and emotions ; as well as the mental health of children and youth.
Psychology, sociology, and social work are our research education subjects.
Part of our research is conducted within the following research environments:
- Service Research Center (CTF)
- Centre for Research on the Mental Health and Life Circumstances of children and Youth (CBU)
- Center for Gender Studies
- FoU Välfärd Värmland
The departmental management consists of a head, vice-head, management support, and study directors for each subject. In addition, there are subject representatives, program directors, and administrative support at the subject level. Study counselors and administrators are part of a central administrative unit within the faculty.