Are you planning to take a semester abroad, it may be worth investigating whether you are eligible for a scholarship. Below are several tips and links.
Scholarships for exchange studies:
Within Europe - You will automatically receive an Erasmus+ scholarship of between 510-560 Euros per month (exceptions exist)
Outside Europe - There are sometimes Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility scholarships for specific partner universities outside Europe, if you are placed at a university where scholarships are available, the International Office will send you details of the scholarship and conditions.
Scholarships for international traineeships:
Erasmus+ - You can receive an Erasmus+ scholarship if you carry out an international traineeship, teacher training (VFU) or field studies (data collection abroad) for a minimum of two months. More information is available on the following page:
Other scholarships:
The Eramus+ programme provides additional funding for students in the following situations:
Green travel Top-Up - Students can apply for additional funds of €50 for sustainable modes of transportation such as trains or buses, provided that at least half of the journey is conducted in an environmentally friendly manner.
Inclusion support and disability Top-Up - Students with a disability and / or long term impaired health can apply for an additional scholarship of €250/month and inclusion support for actual extra costs.
Top-Up for students with children - If you are a student with children (aged 18 or under), you can apply for an additional scholarship of €250/month, whether the child accompanies you on the exchange or not.
For more information, please contact
In addition to scholarship available via the International Office and which you automatically receive if you have been awarded an exchange place, you can find more opportunities for scholarships via the links below. Please note external scholarships have not been verified by Karlstad University:
- Go to Scholarships via Karlstad University's scholarship committee
- Go to External scholarships
- Go to
- Go to Global Grants