Mathematics meets Industry day 2024
Mathematics meets Industry at the 8th Mellroth-Muntean day (MIMM® day) at Karlstad University. Companies propose scientific challenges. Teams of mathematicians consisting of senior researchers, doctoral and university students as well as upper secondary students work together to come up with solution strategies to the proposed problem.
Companies propose scientific challenges to mathematicians, i.e. problems involving relevant unsolved technological or societal issues in search for a suitable solution. The expected outcome includes: solutions to the posed problems, training of all participants, opportunities for further collaboration.
- Problem 1 Propagation of statistical effects to mechanical material models (tesa SE, Germany)
- Problem 2 Radiological priotization problem (Region Värmland)
- Problem 3 Unveiling pulp charactersitics from fiber and process data (Rottneros AB)
- Problem 4 Heat expansion in multicavity tools (Blue Ocean Closures AB)
To register for the conference, please click the link below
During the MIMM® day, teams will be formed to attack the industrial problems. Each team will be composed of mathematicians with very different levels of seniority, i.e. senior researchers (1), doctoral students (1-3), university students (2-3) and upper secondary students (2-3). The problem owners from the companies will also join the teams. The working language will be English.
Senior researchers, doctoral and university students enrolled in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at KAU have priority in registering to the event. However, the participation is open to all scientists or university students from KAU or from elsewhere in Sweden.
Upper secondary pupils studying science or technical programs, or another comparable direction in a Swedish school, are welcome to join. Participants must be creative and show interest in mathematics. Please write a brief motivation letter and explain why you want to take part in the MIMM® day. A short recommendation letter from a mentor or a teacher in mathematics, physics or technics is appreciated.
Program of the MiMM day
Meeting point, Karlstad University, room 5C329
08:30 - the room 5C329 opens - all participants are welcome to fika
08:50 - Opening of the MiMM day
08:55 - Presentation of the industrial problems 1, 2, 3 and 4 in room 5C329 - plenary talks
09:35 - 11:30 – Working in teams: in 4 lecture rooms and online (the zoom link will be provided to each team directly)
11:30 - 12:30 – Lunch
12:30 - 15:00 – Working in teams
15:00 - 15:15 – Fika
15:15 - 17:00 – Working in teams
17:00 – Plenary presentations of solutions to all problems. Questions. Evaluation of the problem owners (both in 5C329 and online)
18:00 - Closing of the MiMM Day