Genusvetenskaplig teori 4
7.5 HPGender Studies IV. Gender in a Historical and Contemporary Perspective
7.5 ECTS
The module covers in-depth concepts and methodologies of gender studies from a historical and contemporary perspective. It has a particular focus on transgender studies, masculinity studies, intimacies and new feminist materialism. The course will provide you with concrete insights into these fields and their ongoing debates in academic as well as activist contexts. The course language is English and the course is a semi-distance course that means it can be taken either as face-to-face/on-campus course or as an online course with virtual classroom participation. Knowledge of Swedish language is not required.
7.5 ECTS
The module covers in-depth concepts and methodologies of gender studies from a historical and contemporary perspective. It has a particular focus on transgender studies, masculinity studies, intimacies and new feminist materialism. The course will provide you with concrete insights into these fields and their ongoing debates in academic as well as activist contexts. The course language is English and the course is a semi-distance course that means it can be taken either as face-to-face/on-campus course or as an online course with virtual classroom participation. Knowledge of Swedish language is not required.
A1N (har endast kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav)
Avancerad nivå
Gymnasiets Svenska kurs 3 eller B eller Svenska som andraspråk kurs 3 eller B samt Engelska kurs 6 eller A eller motsvarande. Genusvetenskap, 1-90 hp eller motsvarande.
Kursen ingår inte i kursutbudet för nästkommande period.