Engelska i arbetslivet: skrift
7.5 HPDo you want to improve your professional English? English is now the language used by businesses and professions worldwide, so if you want to write well for a global audience, this course is for you!
The course will equip you with the writing skills you need for cross-cultural professional communication. You'll learn how to focus on your audience's expectations in order to deliver your ideas effectively and successfully. You'll also learn how to do this in a way that communicates your own professionalism. The course will emphasize everyday business/professional writing: emails, letters, memos, routine communications, delivering negative news, report writing, and persuasive messages.
The course will equip you with the writing skills you need for cross-cultural professional communication. You'll learn how to focus on your audience's expectations in order to deliver your ideas effectively and successfully. You'll also learn how to do this in a way that communicates your own professionalism. The course will emphasize everyday business/professional writing: emails, letters, memos, routine communications, delivering negative news, report writing, and persuasive messages.
G1N (har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav)
Grundläggande behörighet samt Engelska 6 eller B. Motsvarandebedömning kan göras.
Gymnasiebetyg/högskoleprov/akademiska poäng
Mer information
Detaljer för Distans (Ortsoberoende), 50%
- Studieort: Ortsoberoende