Engelska i arbetslivet: tal
7.5 HPDoes your job involve working with a global audience who use English? Will you need to give presentations to clients or colleagues or conduct meetings in English? Will you need to understand speakers whose accents are not familiar? Or do you simply want to be more confident when speaking to others in a professional/business context? Then this is the course for you!
The course focuses on developing skills you will need for cross-cultural professional communication. It will help prepare you to deliver professional, formal presentations as well as lead less formal professional discussions. You will learn how to use an appropriate style and tone of speaking for different situations. The overall aim is to improve your spoken proficiency, listening skills and help you become familiar with the conversational strategies needed for successful, intelligible communication in different professional contexts.
The course focuses on developing skills you will need for cross-cultural professional communication. It will help prepare you to deliver professional, formal presentations as well as lead less formal professional discussions. You will learn how to use an appropriate style and tone of speaking for different situations. The overall aim is to improve your spoken proficiency, listening skills and help you become familiar with the conversational strategies needed for successful, intelligible communication in different professional contexts.
G1N (har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav)
Grundläggande behörighet samt Engelska 6 eller B. Motsvarandebedömning kan göras.
Gymnasiebetyg/högskoleprov/akademiska poäng
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Campus (Karlstad), 50%
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- Start Vårtermin 2025
- Studieform Campus (Karlstad)
- Språk Engelska
- Kurskod ENGPS1
- Anmälningskod KAU-44438
- Studietakt 50% (Dag)
- Studieperiod vecka 14–23
- Schema Visa
- Välkomstinfo Visa
- Litteraturlista Visa