Creative Writing
15.0 HPHave you always dreamed of writing a bestselling novel? Or do you simply want to write for your own enjoyment? Take a summer course in creative writing!
This course focuses on creative writing in English. Students develop their ability to understand and use selected genres, themes and techniques, and the course has practical as well as theoretical components. We analyse different genres and forms, as well as students? own texts, concentrating on stylistic features, literary conventions and writing strategies.
This course focuses on creative writing in English. Students develop their ability to understand and use selected genres, themes and techniques, and the course has practical as well as theoretical components. We analyse different genres and forms, as well as students? own texts, concentrating on stylistic features, literary conventions and writing strategies.
G1N (har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav)
Gymnasiebetyg/högskoleprov/akademiska poäng
Kursen ingår inte i kursutbudet för nästkommande period.