English for Practical and Professional Purposes
15.0 HPEnglish for Practical and Professional Purposes is designed to help you further develop your abilities to communicate both orally and in writing in a professional environment where English is used as the principle means of communication. It will focus on the types of written and spoken communication common to all professions.
For written skills, it will emphasize how to choose an appropriate level of formality and how to produce the different types of texts that you will commonly be expected to write. These will include routine communications, delivering bad news, writing short reports, and making an argument to support a position.
For oral skills, it will emphasize giving formal and informal presentations along with mastering the conversational strategies used in these such as turn-taking, interrupting, soft and strong disagreement, and dealing with questions.
For written skills, it will emphasize how to choose an appropriate level of formality and how to produce the different types of texts that you will commonly be expected to write. These will include routine communications, delivering bad news, writing short reports, and making an argument to support a position.
For oral skills, it will emphasize giving formal and informal presentations along with mastering the conversational strategies used in these such as turn-taking, interrupting, soft and strong disagreement, and dealing with questions.
G1N (har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav)
Grundläggande behörighet samt Engelska 6 eller gymnasiets Engelska B eller motsvarande.
Gymnasiebetyg/högskoleprov/akademiska poäng
Kursen ingår inte i kursutbudet för nästkommande period.