Använda korpusar för språkforskning
7.5 HPCorpora, i.e., large text-collections, have become increasingly common in many areas of linguistic research. Corpus linguistics focuses on language in use, seeking answers to previously intractable questions such as why there are multiple language structures or forms that seem to be so similar in their meaning and grammatical function. This course introduces the theoretical and practical aspects of corpus linguistics. It also offers step-by-step instructions on the methods and analytical techniques used in corpus research so that students will be able to conduct corpus studies on their own by the end of the course. The course is an advanced course and advanced academic and self-directed learning skills as well as scholarly discourse in English are expected.
A1N (har endast kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav)
Avancerad nivå
90 hp varav minst 30 hp på G2F-nivå inom något av huvudområdena Engelska, Svenska språket eller Lingvistik samt Engelska 6 eller B. Motsvarandebedömning kan göras.
Kursen ingår i följande program
Mer information
Detaljer för Distans (Ortsoberoende), 50%
- Sammankomster: Inga fysiska sammankomster
- Lärstöd: Kursen använder sig av lärplattformen Canvas
- Examination: Via Zoom och Canvas
- Studieort: Ortsoberoende