
  • 2024-06-12

    New research for more energy-efficient paper manufacturing

    Dewatering during paper manufacturing is a highly energy-intensive process. New research shows how the process can be made more efficient concerning energy consumption.

    – In my research, I have looked at the manufacturing of grease-proof paper, says Björn Öman, an industrial doctoral student in chemical engineering. Grease-proof paper is extremely compact, enough to act as a barrier to fat, grease, and water. The more compact the paper, the more energy is used for dewatering.

    During dewatering, the paper passes through several vacuum suction boxes, normally five to eight boxes. This creates a problem of rewetting, that is, the paper has time to absorb already removed water again, before being transported to the next step.

  • 2024-06-04

    Karlstad University Hosts Major International Mathematics Conference

    After a year of planning, the Equadiff 2024 mathematics conference is fast approaching. Almost 500 mathematicians from around the world are expected to visit Karlstad and the university.

    The conference will take place from June 10-14, featuring participants from countries such as Japan, USA, Brasil and France and will include over 200 talks and lectures. Professor Adrian Muntean, who has led the planning, aims to provide mathematicians from various countries the opportunity to meet, exchange knowledge, and be inspired by each other's research:

  • 2024-06-03

    Expert Council puts reading in focus

    The latest PISA study shows that young people’s reading skills are declining in Sweden, and their motivation to read is also decreasing. The newly formed Expert Council for Reading will work to promote interest in reading and literature, both in schools and in society at large. Michael Tengberg, Professor in Educational Work at Karlstad University, is part of the council.

    The Expert Council for Reading, initiated by the Teacher Foundation and Sweden’s Teachers Union, consists of selected teachers, preschool teachers, and researchers. The council’s goal is to strengthen reading instruction throughout the school system and create a school environment where reading longer texts is a natural part of everyday life.

  • 2024-05-31

    Continued funding for collaboration project with a focus on digital health innovations in Värmland

    In the interdisciplinary research project DHINO, Digital Health Innovation, Karlstad University and Region Värmland are working together to develop new knowledge that will promote increased digitalisation of the healthcare services in Värmland. The project is now entering the second phase where focus will be on economic, social and environmental sustainability for innovation processes.

    – Through demand-driven research conducted in collaboration with both public and private actors, the project aims to increase the innovation capacity of the public sector and enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and test new digital health services that meet the needs of the public sector, says project leader Erik Wästlund, professor of psychology at the Service Research Center (CTF), Karlstad University. 

  • 2024-05-30

    Sustainable and efficient pellets production

    There is a great interest in sustainable energy production and pellets provide an energy source that is both efficient and renewable. A recently published thesis looks at how pellets can be produced more efficiently through different sawdust mixtures and storage times.

    – In my research, I have looked at how sawdust from different parts of the tree affects the final product and the role of the drying process, says Workson Siwale, who recently completed his PhD in environmental and energy systems. The goal is to produce pellets with more consistent quality, avoid storage losses and at the same time increase knowledge of how different sawdust mixtures affect the end product. 

  • 2024-05-29

    Walks and exercise increase quality of life for older people

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many older people isolated themselves at home, and research shows that isolation and enforced social distancing can increase feelings of depression and loneliness, while physical exercise can enhance the quality of life and bring several health benefits. In the research project “Livskvalitet och fysisk aktivitet för äldre” (Quality of life and physical activity for older people), doctoral student Anna Nilstomt has studied how to engage older people in physical activities.

    Since COVID-19, the ways of social interaction have changed. More activities are offered on site and/or online. Physical activity is one example of this. Although many people are aware of the benefits of exercise, many of us have a sedentary lifestyle, especially older people. Many older people also tend to drop out of fitness programmes or refrain from doing regular exercise.

    – A greater understanding of what motivates older people to exercise or what causes them to stop exercising can improve the development of fitness programmes for older people, says Anna Nilstomt.

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