Staffan Löfving
Utvalda publikationer
Forthcoming 2025. Maiming Monuments: Iconoclasm in Visual Culture After Yugoslavia: In Brenda Schmahmann (ed.), Contemporary Approaches to Commemorative Public Art: Monumental Developments. Chapter 13. London and New York: Routledge.
2017. The Gift of Labor: The Town, the Union and the Corporate State in the Demise of the Swedish Car Industry. In E. Paul Durrenberger (ed.), Uncertain Times: The Anthropology of Labor in a Neoliberal World. Pp. 61-86. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
2009. The Paramilitary Function of Transparency in Latin America and Beyond. In Bruce Kapferer and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (eds.), Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval. Pp. 187-209. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
2008. Struggles for Home: Violence, Hope and the Movement of People (editor with Stef Jansen) Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
2007. Liberal Emplacement: Violence, Home, and the Transforming Space of Popular Protest in Central America. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 49, No. 1.:45-61.
2007. Movement, Violence, and the Making of Home. (Journal theme section, co-edited with Stef Jansen) Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 49, No. 1.:1-61
2006. The Guerrilla Army of the Poor. In Thomas Leonard (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Developing World. Pp. 726-728. London and New York: Routledge
2006. Peopled Economies: Conversations with Stephen Gudeman. Uppsala and Stockholm: Uppsala University and Almqvist & Wiksell International.
2006. War as Field and Site: Anthropologists, Archaeologists, and the Violence of Maya Cultural Continuities. In Ton Otto, Henrik Thrane and Helle Vandkilde (eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropological Perspectives. Pp. 469-479. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press
2005. Silence & the Politics of Representing Rebellion: On the Emergence of the Neutral Maya in Guatemala. In Paul Richards (ed.), No Peace No War: An Anthropology of Contemporary Armed Conflicts. Pp. 77-97. Oxford and Athens, Ohio: James Currey and Ohio University Press.
2004. Paramilitaries of the Empire: Guatemala, Colombia and Israel. Social Analysis, Vol. 48, Issue 1, Spring 2004. pp. 156-160 [also published in Bruce Kapferer (ed.), State, Sovereignty, War: Civil Violence in Emerging Social Realities. Pp. 159-166. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books]
2004. Om krigets konturer. In Ulf Hannerz (ed.), Antropologi/Journalistik: Om sätt att beskriva världen. Sid. 115-141. Lund: Studentlitteratur [Swedish]
2004. Ungdom, marginalitet og statsborgeskab: Et perspektiv fra det sydlige Afrika og Centralamerika. (Co-authored with Michael Barrett) In Simon Turner (ed.), Vrede unge mænd? Globalisering, marginalisering og mobilisering. Den Ny Verden, årg. 37, nr. 3.:39-48. [Danish]
2002. Banners of Belonging: The Politics of Indigenous Identity in Bolivia and Guatemala (editor with Charlotta Widmark) Leuven and Uppsala. ULRiCA, Uppsala-Leuven Research in Cultural Anthropology.
2002. An Unpredictable Past: Guerrillas, Mayas, and the Location of Oblivion in War-Torn Guatemala. Dissertation. Uppsala: Uppsala University.
2010. Fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil para la construcción de la paz en Colombia. Evaluación del apoyo de Asdi a la Consejería de Proyectos (PCS), Enero 2006 –Noviembre 2009. Versión final 6 de abril de 2010 [Sida evaluation, Spanish, co-authored with Adriana Gutierrez and Jocke Nyberg]
2008. Swedish Democracy Promotion through NGOs in Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru: Outcome Oriented Evaluation of Diakonia’s Latin America Programme. Sida Evaluations 2008:02. Stockholm: Sida [co-authored with Roddy Brett, Miguel González, Victor Caballeros, Cecilia Salazar, Fernanda Soto and Charlotta Widmark]
- Staffan Löfving, 2017