Ingrid Grosse
Quantitative survey research (World Values Survey, ISSP, et cetera)
Main tools: Spss and Stata
Current research: If and which social justice considerations do Swedish municipalities have in regard to their environmental sustainability policies?
Thesis: PhD Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå University 2008,
Titel: Political parties and welfare associations.
Scandinavian countries are usually assumed to be less disposed than other countries to involve associations as welfare producers.
These assumptions are questioned, because they cannot account for salient associational welfare production in the welfare areas of housing and child-care in two Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Norway.
In order to approach an explanation for the phenomena of associational
welfare production in Sweden and Norway, some refinements of current
theories are suggested. First, it is argued that welfare associations usually
depend on statutory support in order to produce welfare on a salient level.
Second, it is supposed that any form of particularistic interest in welfare
production can lead
to associational welfare. The thesis supposes that political parties are organisations that, on one hand, influence statutory decisions
regarding associational welfare production, and, on the other hand, pursue
particularistic interests in associational welfare production. It is hypothesised
that political parties attempt to mould statutory decisions on associational welfare provision in accordance with the interests of associations with
“congruent constituencies.”
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether political party preferences
for certain welfare associations might help to explain variations in statutory support for associational welfare provision.
The findings partly support the hypothesis. Although political parties
partly pursued consensually association-friendly policies, they often varied
their support for welfare associations, whereby both right-wing and left-wing parties partly advocated and partly rejected association-friendly policies in a
conflicting way, resulting in varied degrees of statutory support.
Furthermore, supportive parties shared “congruent constituencies” with those associations supported by respective parties’ policies. These findings
indicate that partisan policies indeed make a difference for associational welfare production, whereby parties of any political colour can support associational solutions. Furthermore, partisan policies vary according to the involved associations’ more or less “congruent constituencies” .
Quantitative methods
Political Science
Topics: sustainability, distribute justice, values and opinions (immigration, gender, class), historical legacies of civilizations
Utvalda publikationer
1. Doctoral thesis
Peer-reviewed articles
2. Grosse, I. (2013). "Individualization and the development of voluntary activities." Studia Sociologica 2: 86-99.
3. Grosse, I. (2015). "Gender values in Vietnam: between Confucianism, communism, and modernization." Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 3(2): 253-272.
4. Grosse, I. (2015). Trade union representativeness in Vietnam, China and Sweden: How different are trade unions in communist and liberal-democratic countries? 5th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR 2015), September 14-15th, Bangkok, Thailand. Singapore. 5: 4-11.
5. Grosse, I. (2016). Does education influence values in East Asia? : A comparison of Western and East Asian countries. 6th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations, 26-27 September 2016, Singapore. Singapore. 6: 78-86.
Chapters in anthologies
6. Grosse, I. (2009). Welfare services to promote social cohesion: are NGOs a solution? Perspectives on Empowerment, Social Cohesion and Democracy: An International Anthology. Cecilia Henning & Karin Renblad. Jönköping, School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University: 65-90.
7. Grosse, I. (2013). Icke-vinstdrivande välfärd i Sverige och Tyskland. När förvaltning blir business: marknadiseringens utmaningar för demokratin och välfärdsstaten. Linda Rönnberg, Urban Strandberg, Elin Wihlborg & Ulrika Winblad. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press: 77-96.
8. Grosse, I. (2016). Socialpolitik. Svensk politik och EU: Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Mats Öhlén & Daniel Silander. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 101-123.
9. Grosse, I. (2020, in print). Social policy. Sweden and the European Union - An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Mats Öhlén & Daniel Silander. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag.
Conference papers
10. Southern Political Science Association, Annual Conference, San Juan, January 2020, session chair, paper presentation “Does Migration affect Notions about Justice?”
11. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, March 2019, chair, paper presentation “Do Cultural Contexts Influence Judgements about Inequality?”
12. International Political Science Association, 25th IPSA World Congress 2018, Brisbane, Australia, July 2018, paper presentation “Do Cultural Contexts Influence Norms about Justice?”
13. Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 2018, paper presentation “Urban-rural differences in life satisfaction: a multilevel analysis”
14. European Political Science Association, Annual Conference, Milan, June 2017, paper presentation “Urban-rural differences in life satisfaction in East Asia and Europe”
15. Political Science, Sociology and International Relations, Annual Conference, Singapore, September 2016, session chair, paper presentation “Does education influence values in East Asia? A comparison of Western and East Asian countries.”
16. Midwest Sociological Society, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Mars 2016, session chair, paper presentation “Lipset's working class authoritarianism in Confucian countries?”
17. Political Science, Sociology and International Relations, Annual Conference, Bangkok, September 2015, paper presentation “Trade union representativeness in Vietnam, China and Sweden: How different are trade unions in communist and liberal-democratic countries?”
18. Nordic Sociological Association, Conference, Lund University, August 2014, paper presentation “Gender values in Vietnam in comparative perspective”
19. Nordic Political Science Association Conference, University of Gothenburg, August 2014, paper presentation “Quality measurement: Standardization of welfare provision? The case of elderly care in Sweden.”
- Ingrid Grosse, 2024