Bridget Kane
My main interest is in the application of Health Information Technology, and designing work systems that will improve quality and safety in healthcare.
My aim is to develop my academic study and applied research to find solutions to make health services more effective and efficient.
I am a member of the DOME research consortium for research on the Journalen, in Sweden. See
Current projects:
I am a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Medical Informatics (Elsevier) and I am an Associate Editor to the Journal of Behaviour and Information Technology (Taylor & Francis).
The research communities in which I participate include ACM Computer-Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), ACM INTERACT and IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS).
Specialities: Health service research, CSCW, HCI, Health IT, IT implementation, clinical laboratory service development, (cell pathology) diagnostic work, team leader, lecturer and tutor. I have a wide range of experience that includes technology implementation, working with HL7, SNOMED, and LOINC standards and coding systems and also with ISO quality work systems. I have particular experience in the implementation of ISO 15189.
PhD in Computer Science, (2008) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
MSc Health Informatics (2003)
MSc Management (Organisation Behaviour) (1987)
Fellow of the Inst of Biomedical Sciences (1982)
Other qualifications include:
Cytotechnologist Member of the International Academy of Cytology (CMIAC), Chartered Scientist (CSci) of The Science Council, London, and State Registered Medical Scientist (Ireland).
Central Hospital, Karlstad
School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
School of Education, Trinity College Dublin
St. James's Hospital, Dublin
Utvalda publikationer
Kane, B. & Pierce, B. F. 2017. Multidisciplinary Teamwork and the Pathology Diagnosis: Improving Internal Quality Assurance? Diagnostic Error in Medicine 9th International Conference. Boston, Mass. USA: Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine.
Kane, B. & Luz, S. Trust, Ethics and Access: Challenges in studying the work of Multidisciplinary Medical Teams. 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 22-24 June 2016 2017 Thessoliniki, Greece.
Luz, S., & Kane, B. (2016). Perspectives on Intelligent Systems Support for Multidisciplinary Medical Teams. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium, Palo Alto.
Kane, B. (2016, October 23-27). Facilitating participation by patients and family into hospital based multidisciplinary team decision-making. Paper presented at the NordiCHI workshop on Designing E-Health Services For Patients & Relatives – Critical Incidents and Lessons to Learn, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Maria Hagglund, Anna Kharko, Annika Barkas, Charlotte Blease, Asa Cajander, Catherine DesRoches, Asbjorn Johansen Fagerlund, Josefin Hagstrom, Isto Huvila, Iiris Horhammer, Bridget Kane, Gunnar O. Klein, Eli Kristiansen, Jonas Moll, Irene Muli, Hanife Rexhepi, Sara Riggare, Peeter Ross, Isabella Scandurra, Saija Simola, Hedvig Soone, Bo Wang, Maedeh Ghorbanian Zolbin, Rose-Mharie Ahlfeldt, Sari Kujala, Monika Alise Johansen, 2024
- Isto Huvila, Hanife Rexhepi, Jonas Moll, Maedeh Ghorbanian Zolbin, Charlotte Blease, Annika Barkas, Rose-Mharie Ahlfeldt, Josefin Hagstrom, Bridget Kane, Isabella Scandurra, Maria Hagglund, Gunnar O. Klein, Bo Wang, Anna Kharko, 2024
- Sari Kujala, Saija Simola, Bo Wang, Hedvig Soone, Josefin Hagström, Annika Bärkås, Iiris Hörhammer, Åsa Cajander, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Bridget Kane, Anna Kharko, Eli Kristiansen, Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexphepi, Maria Hägglund, Monika A. Johansen, 2024
- A. J. Fagerlund, A. Bärkås, A. Kharko, C. R. Blease, J. Hagström, I. Huvila, I. Hörhammer, Bridget Kane, E. Kristiansen, S. Kujala, J. Moll, H. Rexhepi, I. Scandurra, S. Simola, H. Soone, B. Wang, R.M. Åhlfeldt, M. Hägglund, M. A. Johansen, 2024
- Josefin Hagström, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Hanife Rexhepi, Jonas Moll, Bridget Kane, Isabella Scandurra, Maria Hägglund, 2024
- Jonas Moll, Isabella Scandurra, Annika Barkas, Charlotte Blease, Maria Hagglund, Iiris Horhammer, Bridget Kane, Eli Kristiansen, Peeter Ross, Rose-Mharie Ahlfeldt, Gunnar O. Klein, 2024
- Annika Bärkås, Anna Kharko, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Isto Huvila, Monika Alise Johansen, Bridget Kane, Sari Kujala, Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexhepi, Isabella Scandurra, Bo Wang, Maria Hägglund, 2023
- Phelim Barry, Bridget Kane, 2023
- Saija Simola, Iiris Hörhammer, Yuhui Xu, Annika Bärkås, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Josefin Hagström, Mari Holmroos, Maria Hägglund, Monika Alise Johansen, Bridget Kane, Anna Kharko, Isabella Scandurra, Sari Kujala, 2023
- Maria Hägglund, Anna Kharko, Josefin Hagström, Annika Bärkås, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Catherine DesRoches, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Barbara Haage, Isto Huvila, Iiris Hörhammer, Bridget Kane, Gunnar O. Klein, Eli Kristiansen, Kerli Luks, Jonas Moll, Irene Muli, Eline Hovstad Raphaug, Hanife Rexhepi, Sara Riggare, Peeter Ross, Isabella Scandurra, Saija Simola, Hedvig Soone, Bo Wang, Maedeh Ghorbanian Zolbin, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, Sari Kujala, Monika Alise Johansen, 2023
- Bo Wang, Eli Kristiansen, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Paolo Zanaboni, Maria Hägglund, Annika Bärkås, Sari Kujala, Åsa Cajander, Charlotte Blease, Anna Kharko, Isto Huvila, Bridget Kane, Monika Alise Johansen, 2023
- Ian Darbey, Bridget Kane, 2022
- Maria Hägglund, Åsa Cajander, Hanife Rexhepi, Bridget Kane, 2022
- A. Khumalo, Bridget Kane, 2022
- Chelsea Cheng, Hilary Humphreys, Bridget Kane, 2022
- Séan Cronin, Bridget Kane, Gavin Doherty, 2021
- Daniel Lindegren, Farzaneh Karegar, Bridget Kane, John Sören Pettersson, 2021
- Ala Sarah Alaqra, Bridget Kane, Simone Fischer-Hübner, 2021
- Jorunn Bjerkan, Bridget Kane, Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt, Marit Veie, Mariann Fossum, 2020
- Ala Sarah Alaqra, Eleneora Ciceri, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Bridget Kane, Marco Mosconi, Sauro Vicini, 2020
- Ala Sarah Alaqra, Bridget Kane, 2020
- Steve Thomas, Conor Foley, Bridget Kane, Bridget M Johnston, Brenda Lynch, Susan Smith, Orla Healy, Elsa Droog, John Browne, 2019
- Redaktör, 2018
- J. A. Gahan, Bridget Kane, 2018
- Gudrun Thorsteinsdottir, Bridget Kane, 2018
- M. Nyren Andersson, B. Hansell, H. Emilsson, L. Asmussen, Bridget Kane, 2017
- L. Asmussen, Andersson M. Nyren, Bridget Kane, 2017
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2017
- Christiane Gruenloh, Jean D. Hallewell Haslwanter, Bridget Kane, Eunji Lee, Thomas Lind, Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexhepi, Isabella Scandurra, 2017
- Alphonsa Pius, Bridget Kane, 2016
- Bridget Kane, 2016
- Saturnino Luz, Bridget Kane, 2016
- Stephen Jones, A. Keane, A. Stawiarski, R. Fatus, Bridget Kane, 2016
- Molly Vinu, Bridget Kane, 2016
- A. Pius, M. Vinu, L. Middleton, S. Ahmad, Bridget Kane, 2015
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2015
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2015
- S. Impey, Bridget Kane, 2015
- Dmitri Robert Wall, Caitriona B. Hackett, Bridget Kane, Kashif Ahmad, Bart Ramsay, 2014
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2014
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, Steve Thomas, 2014
- Bridget Kane, Kristina Groth, 2014
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, Pieter Toussaint, 2013
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2013
- Bridget Kane, Pieter J. Toussaint, Ken O’Byrne, 2013
- Bridget Kane, Pieter J. Toussaint, Saturnino Luz, 2013
- Luca Longo, Bridget Kane, Lucy Hederman, 2012
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2012
- Paul Fahey, Clare Harney, Sajeesh Kesavan, Alana McMahon, Louise McQuaid, Bridget Kane, 2011
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2011
- Bridget Kane, Kristina Groth, Dave Randall, 2011
- Bridget Kane, Mary Morrough, Hassan Al Chalabi, Sylvia O’Keeffe, Barbara Dunne, M. John Kennedy, Donal Hollywood, Terry Boyle, Elizabeth Connolly, Ronan McDermott, Ken O’Byrne, Finian Lynam, Saturnino Luz, 2011
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2011
- Bridget Kane, Luca Longo, 2011
- Bridget Kane, James Meaney, Saturnino Luz, 2011
- Su Jing, Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2011
- Bridget Kane, 2010
- Su Jing, Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2010
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, Su Jing, 2010
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2009
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2009
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2009
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, James Meaney, 2009
- Bridget Kane, 2008
- Su Jing, Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2008
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2008
- Serena Cameirano, Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2007
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, D. Sean O’Briain, Ronan McDermott, 2007
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2007
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2006
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2006
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, Gerard Menezes, Donal P. Hollywood, 2005
- Bridget Kane, Saturnino Luz, 2004
- A. J. Curran, D. Smyth, Bridget Kane, M. Toner, C. I. Timon, 1996
- Dominic MacLeod, Bridget Kane, D Kidney, J Murphy, D Sean O Briain, Fred Jackson, Brian Mulvihill, Fiona Mulcahy, Luke Clancy, John S Prichard, 1993
- D MacLeod, Bridget Kane, D.S. O'Briann, J.S Prichard, 1991
- Paul McLoughlin, Fiona Mulcahy, D Sean O Briain, Bridget Kane, E Mulvihill, John S Prichard, 1990
- Bridget Kane, 1987