Pawel Odyniec

Pawel Odyniec is an Indologist with philological competence in two South Asian languages and three MA degrees in Philosophy, History of Religions, and Indian Philosophy and Religion. His research covers the areas of Indian philosophy and philosophical theology, South Asian religions (Hinduism and Buddhism), and intercultural Philosophy as a Way of Life.
Pawel's academic goals are (1) to conduct original, philologically rigorous research in the field of Indian philosophy and philosophical theology, specifically Advaita Vedānta, Yoga and Kashmir Śaivism in Sanskrit sources as well as its reception during the early modern and modern period in Hindi and English sources and (2) to partake actively in the international research community engaging with Indian philosophy and philosophical theology, classical to modern, South Asian religions (Hinduism and Buddhism), and the notion of Philosophy as a Way of Life in global perspective.
- Pawel Odyniec, 2018
- Pawel Odyniec, 2018