Lena Grip

My research in different ways show how people's everyday and working lives are affected by conceptions of place, gender and ethnicity, and how these conceptions influence politics and the practical implementation of politics; in integration policy, gender equality projects and spatial planning, as well as how it affects individuals' everyday lives, working lives and opportunities.
Research projects:
The impact of remote work on gender equality in the Swedish labor market, 2024-25. Financed by Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise
Forms of cooperation in Swedish municipalities in decline, 2023. Financed by Kommuninvest
Local and regional conditions and strategies to counteract gendered occupational choices, 2023. Financed by The Swedish Gender Equality Agency
Perceptions of competence and gender in Värmland: a gender analysis of competence supply and recruitment, 2022. Financed by region Värmland
Gender and diversity analysis of career choise of alumi from rescue service education, 2020-22. Financed by MSB.
Home and away: Home-making processes and media use for integration, 2017-20. Part of the resarch programme "In-Between Spaces: Digital Media Geographies and Social Transformations in Small Towns" of the Geomedia Research Group.
Cooperation between Rescue Services and Home Care Services: obstacles and possibilities, 2015. Financed by MSB [Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency].
The Gender Coded Rescue Service (GeRd): a Study of the Conditions for Gender Equality, 2010-14. A multidiciplinary project on gender equality in the Swedish Rescue Service. Financed by MSB [Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency].
PhD Studies 2004-10: Thesis: "Spaces of Similarity – Practices of Difference: the Production of Integration in four Swedish Municipalities"
Course leadership, teaching, examination, supervision on a number of courses, especially in the Social Planning Program, Human Geography. Supervision of Bachelor Theses in Human Geography.
Selected publications
Grip, L. & Jansson, U. (2024) "Genus, arbete och plats. Introduktion." Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 44(1-2): 4-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.55870/tgv.v44i1-2.24763
Braunerhielm, L., Grip, L., Ljungberg, E. & Ryan Bengtsson, L. (2024) “Introduction to Special Issue: Placemaking Beyond Cities: Geomedia perspectives on everyday life in small towns and rural communities”, Culture Unbound, 16(1), pp. 1–13. doi: 10.3384/cu.5191.
Evansluong, Q., Grip, L. & Karayianni, E. (2023) Digital ethnicity affordances: from a liability to an asset in immigrant entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-02-2022-0207
Grip, L. & Jansson, U. (2022) ‘The right man in the right place’ – the consequences of gender-coding of place and occupation in collaboration processes. European Journal of Women's Studies, 29(2): 250-265. Doi: 10.1177/13505068211042725
Grip, L. (2020) Knocking on the Doors of Integration: Swedish Integration Policy and the Production of a National Space. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 21(3): 861-877. Doi: 10.1007/s12134-019-00691-y
Krekula, C., Karlsson, S., Grip, L. & Engström, L-G. (2019) Communicating equality through policy documents: On legitimacy, double logic, and stable translations. Gender, Work & Organization. Doi: 10.1111/gwao.12376
Grip, L., Engström, L-G., Krekula, C. & Karlsson, S. (2016). The Woman as Problem and Solution – Analyses of a Gender Equality Initiative Within the Swedish Rescue Services. NORA- Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 24:2, pp. 95-109. Doi: 10.1080/08038740.2016.1165733
Grip, L. (2012); ”The (dis)similarity paradox in Swedish Integration Policies” i Jansdotter Samuelsson, Krekula & Åberg (eds). Gender and change: Power, politics and everyday practices. Karlstad: Karlstad university press.
Grip, L. (2010); Likhetens rum – olikhetens praktik: om produktionen av integration i fyra svenska kommuner, Doctoral Dissertation, Karlstad University Studies nr 2010:2, Karlstad
- Lena Grip, Stefan Karlsson, 2025
- Lena Grip, Ulrika Jansson, 2024
- Lotta Braunerhielm, Lena Grip, Emilia Ljungberg, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, 2024
- Quang Evansluong, Lena Grip, Eva Karayianni, 2023
- Ulrika Jansson, Lena Grip, 2023
- Lena Grip, 2023
- Lena Grip, 2022
- Lena Grip, Ulrika Jansson, 2022
- Lena Grip, Ulrika Jansson, 2022
- Lena Grip, Lotta Braunerhielm, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, Fredrik Hoppstadius, Erik Persson, 2021
- Lena Grip, Quang Evansloung, 2021
- Lena Grip, 2021
- Lena Grip, Stefan Karlsson, 2021
- Lena Grip, 2020
- Lena Grip, 2020
- Clary Krekula, Stefan Karlsson, Lars-Gunnar Engström, Lena Grip, 2019
- Lena Grip, Quang Evansluong, Dimitry Jacob, 2019
- Lena Grip, 2019
- Lena Grip, Quang Evansluong, 2019
- Lena Grip, 2019
- Lena Grip, Florian Sascha Benes, 2019
- Lena Grip, 2019
- Lena Grip, 2018
- Lena Grip, 2017
- Lena Grip, Sofia Strid, 2017
- Lena Grip, Ida Grundel, 2016
- Lena Grip, Ulrika Jansson, 2016
- Ulrika Jansson, Lena Grip, 2016
- Lena Grip, Lars-Gunnar Engström, Clary Krekula, Stefan Karlsson, 2016
- Lena Grip, 2015
- Lena Grip, Henrik Örnebring, Cecilia Möller, 2015
- Lena Grip, Ida Grundel, 2015
- Lena Grip, 2014
- Lena Grip, 2013
- Lena Grip, Ulrika Jansson, 2013
- Lena Grip, 2012
- Lena Grip, 2012
- Clary Krekula, Lena Grip, 2012
- Ulrika Jansson, Lena Grip, 2012
- Lena Grip, 2012
- Lena Grip, 2011
- Lena Grip, 2010
- Lena Grip, 2010
- Lena Grip, Tesfahuney Mekonnen, 2007
- Lena Grip, Mekonnen Tesfahuney, 2006
- Lena Grip, 2004
- Sune Berger, Lena Grip, Imber Råbock, 2003
- Lena Grip, 2002
- Lena Grip, 2002
- Lena Grip, 2002
- Lena Grip, 2002