David Olsson
David Olsson is an associate professor in political science. He is an active researcher at two research centers: center for societal risk research (CSR) and center for social science didactics (CSD). Currently, David is also a researcher in three externally financed projects: (1) Resilience in Sweden: Governing, Social Networks and Learning (RISE), financed by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, in which he conducts research on pathways to a democratic, sustainable and resilient development; (2) Impact Assessment for Action Competence (IMP>ACT), an EU financed horizon project, in which he does research on instruments to assess and evaluate learning for an active citizenship (so called Action Competence) related to sustainable development and climate change, and; (3) Cross-border climate resilience through collaborative learning modules and digital transformation (INCREDILAB), an EU financed Interreg project, in which his research is focused on the development of a so called serious game with the purpose of increasing cross-border climate change adaptation.
David did his PhD-thesis on the governing of climate change adaptation in Sweden.
Previously, David has also, among other things, been involved the school development project - Education, Learning, Research (Swedish: Utbildning, Lärande, Forskning, ULF) - with a focus on professional development for teachers in primary and secondary education.
David has teaching experience in, among other things, environmental politics, policy analysis, public administration, international politics, methods in political science (qualitative and quantitative), organization theory and spatial planning.
Most of the cooperation that David is involved in takes place through Risklab®, which is an environment at Karlstad university for developing and disseminating knowledge about societal risks.
Selected publications
Olsson, D. (2022) From Technocracy to Democracy: Ways to Promote Democratic Engagement for Just Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Building. Sustainability,14,1433. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031433
Olsson, D. (2021) Empowering political engagement with unsustainable actions: the possibilities and limitations of teaching guides for climate change education, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2021.2007221
Olsson, D. (2021) Facilitating democratic processes for sustainability: the possibilities and limitations of teaching guides for climate change education, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2021.1994927
Olsson, D., Öjehag- Pettersson, A., Granberg, M. (2021) Building a Sustainable Society: Construction, Public Procurement Policy and ‘Best Practice’ in the European Union. Sustainability,13,7142. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137142
Olsson. D & Öjehag-Pettersson, A. (2020) Buying a sustainable society: the case of public procurement in Sweden, Local Environment, 25(9), 681-696, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2020.1820471
Olsson, D. (2020) The Transformative Potential of Resilience Thinking: How It Could Transform Unsustainable Economic Rationalities, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 45(2), 102–120, DOI: 10.1177/0304375420938284
Olsson, D. (2019) Improving Teaching and Learning Together: A Literature Review of Professional Learning Communities, Research Report, Karlstad: Karlstad University Studies
Olsson, D. (2018) Conditions of 'Sustainability': The Case of Climate Change Adaptation in Sweden, Doctoral Thesis (monograph), Karlstad: Karlstad University Studies
- David Olsson, 2023
- David Olsson, Karin Thörne, Martin Jakobsson, Nina Christenson, Emelie Hindersson, 2023
- Nina Christenson, Emelie Hindersson, Martin Jakobsson, David Olsson, Karin Thörne, 2023
- David Olsson, 2022
- David Olsson, 2022
- David Olsson, 2022
- David Olsson, 2022
- David Olsson, Andreas Öjehag-Pettersson, Mikael Granberg, 2021
- David Olsson, 2021
- David Olsson, Andreas Öjehag-Pettersson, 2020
- David Olsson, 2020
- David Olsson, 2019
- David Olsson, Andreas Öjehag-Pettersson, 2019
- David Olsson, 2018
- David Olsson, 2017
- David Olsson, 2017
- David Olsson, 2016
- David Olsson, 2016
- David Olsson, 2015
- David Olsson, 2013
- David Olsson, Lee Miles, 2012
- Lee Miles, David Olsson, 2011
- David Olsson, 2011