Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee

My research activities span the following directions:
- Quality Assurance: Quality assurance of machine learning and data-driven systems.
- Software Testing: Mutation testing, Regression testing, Interaction testing, GUI interaction testing, Automated testing, and Smart TV app testing.
- Trustworthy AI systems: Software Engineering for AI, SE4AI.
Test Generation algorithms: Combinatorial interaction tools, statistical test generation. - Quality Assurance of IoT Systems: Quality aspects of IoT systems.
- Applied Soft Computing: Optimizations in software engineering, control parameter optimization, Combinatorial Optimization, and its applications.
Current Teaching Activities
- AI Engineering (Advanced) – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Writing in Science and Technology (Ph.D. course) - Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Automated Software Engineering (Advanced) – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University.
- Sweden.Software Engineering – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Software Testing Fundamentals – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
Bestoun S. Ahmed, starts working as a Senior Lecturer at Karlstad University on January 14th, 2019. He obtained his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Salahaddin-Erbil in 2004, his MSc degree from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2009, and his Ph.D. from University Sains Malaysia (USM), Software Engineering, in 2012. He worked as a research fellow at the Software Engineering Research Group at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). His next engagement was as a senior lecturer at Salahaddin University, where he was promoted to Associate professor later in 2015. He completed his postdoctoral research position in the Swiss AI lab at IDSIA (Istituto di Molle di Studi s Intelliigenziale), Lugano, Switzerland, in 2015. He also worked as an Assistant Professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague during 2017-2019. He was also the Software Engineering Chair funded by Red Hat and the STILL (Software Testing Intelligence) lab co-founder in Prague. He was promoted to Associate Professor at Karlstad University in 2020 and later to Professor in 2023. His main research work is on software quality assurance, Applied AI, and Trustworthy AI.
Selected publications
- Thair Mahmoud, Bestoun S. Ahmed, ” An Efficient Covering Array Construction Strategy Using Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive Swarm Optimisation for the Use of Software Testing“, Expert Systems with Applications, (2015), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Taib Sh. Abdulsamad, and Moayad Y. Potrus “The Achievement of Minimized Combinatorial Test Suite for Software Functional Testing Using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm“, Information and Software Technology, 66(2015): 13-29, (2015), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, and Chee Peng Lim,” Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Uniform and Variable Strength Covering Array Construction” Applied Soft Computing Journal, 12(4): 1330-1347, (2012), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Kamal Z. Zamli, and Chee Peng Lim, " Constructing a T-Way Interaction Test Suite Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Approach," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information, and Control (IJICIC), 8 (1A): 431-452, (2012).
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, " A Variable-Strength Interaction Test Suites Generation Strategy Using Particle Swarm Optimization," Journal of Systems and Software, 84 (12): 2171-2185, (2011), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Mouayad A. Sahib, and Moayad Y. Potrus, ” Generating Combinatorial Test Cases Using Simplified Swarm Optimization (SSO) Algorithm for Automated GUI Functional Testing“, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 17 (4), Pages 218-226, (2014) Elsevier.
- Moayad Y. Potrus, Umi Kalthum Ngah, and Bestoun S. Ahmed, ” An Evolutionary Harmony Search Algorithm with Dominant Point Detection for Recognition-Based segmentation of Online Arabic Text Recognition“, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), 5(4): 1129–1139 (2014), Elsevier.
- Mouayad A. Sahib, Bestoun S. Ahmed, and Moayad Y. Potrus, “Application of Combinatorial Interaction Design for DC Servomotor PID Controller Tuning,” Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 576868, 7 pages, (2014).
- Diary R. Sulaiman and Bestoun S. Ahmed,” Using the Combinatorial Optimization Approach for DVS in High-Performance Processors,” The International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2013), 2013, pp.105-109, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, “Comparison of Metaheuristic Test Generation Strategies Based on Interaction Elements Coverage Criterion”, The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2011), 2011, pp. 537-541, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, “PSTG: a t-way strategy adopting particle swarm optimization,” in Proceeding of 4th Asia International Conference on Mathematical/Analytical Modeling and Computer Simulation, 2010, pp. 1-5, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli,” T-Way Test Data Generation Strategy Based on Particle Swarm Optimization,” in Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2010), Pages (93-97), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli,” Motivation for Developing a High Combinatorial Interaction Strength Testing Suite via the Grid Computing Approach”, In Proceedings of the Electrical and Electronic Postgraduate Colloquium EEPC2009, Jawi, Malaysia, November 2009.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Khairulmizam Samsudin, Abdul Rahman Ramli, and ShahNor Basri, “ A descriptive performance model of a load balancing single system image ”, In 2008 Second Asia International Conference on Modeling & Simulation (AMS2008), pages 180-184, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, May 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Thair Mahmoud, Bestoun S. Ahmed, ” An Efficient Covering Array Construction Strategy Using Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive Swarm Optimisation for the Use of Software Testing“, Expert Systems with Applications, (2015), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Taib Sh. Abdulsamad, and Moayad Y. Potrus “The Achievement of Minimized Combinatorial Test Suite for Software Functional Testing Using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm“, Information and Software Technology, 66(2015): 13-29, (2015), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, and Chee Peng Lim,” Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Uniform and Variable Strength Covering Array Construction” Applied Soft Computing Journal, 12(4): 1330-1347, (2012), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Kamal Z. Zamli, and Chee Peng Lim, " Constructing a T-Way Interaction Test Suite Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Approach ," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 8 (1A): 431-452, (2012).
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, " A Variable-Strength Interaction Test Suites Generation Strategy Using Particle Swarm Optimization ," Journal of Systems and Software, 84 (12): 2171-2185, (2011), Elsevier.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Mouayad A. Sahib, and Moayad Y. Potrus, ” Generating Combinatorial Test Cases Using Simplified Swarm Optimization (SSO) Algorithm for Automated GUI Functional Testing“, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 17 (4), Pages 218-226 , (2014) Elsevier.
- Moayad Y. Potrus, Umi Kalthum Ngah, and Bestoun S. Ahmed, ” An Evolutionary Harmony Search Algorithm with Dominant Point Detection for Recognition-Based segmentation of Online Arabic Text Recognition“, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), 5(4): 1129–1139 (2014), Elsevier.
- Mouayad A. Sahib, Bestoun S. Ahmed, and Moayad Y. Potrus, “Application of Combinatorial Interaction Design for DC Servomotor PID Controller Tuning,” Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 576868, 7 pages, (2014).
- Diary R. Sulaiman and Bestoun S. Ahmed,” Using the Combinatorial Optimization Approach for DVS in High-Performance Processors ” The International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2013), 2013, pp.105-109, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, “Comparison of Metaheuristic Test Generation Strategies Based on Interaction Elements Coverage Criterion”, The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2011), 2011, pp. 537-541, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli, “PSTG: a t-way strategy adopting particle swarm optimization,” in: Proceeding of 4th Asia International Conference on Mathematical/Analytical Modeling and Computer Simulation, 2010, pp. 1-5, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli,” T-Way Test Data Generation Strategy Based on Particle Swarm Optimization,” in: Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2010), Pages (93-97), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli,” Motivation for Developing a High Combinatorial Interaction Strength Testing Suite via the Grid Computing Approach”, In Proceedings of the Electrical and Electronic Postgraduate Colloquium EEPC2009, Jawi, Malaysia, November 2009.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Khairulmizam Samsudin, Abdul Rahman Ramli, and ShahNor Basri, “ A descriptive performance model of a load balancing single system image ”, In 2008 Second Asia International Conference on Modeling & Simulation (AMS2008), pages 180-184, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, May 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2024
- Manal Rahal, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Jörgen Samuelsson, 2024
- Mohammadsadeq Garshasbi Herabad, Javid Taheri, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Calin Curescu, 2024
- Firas Bayram, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2023
- Hamza Chahed, Muhammad Usman, Ayan Chatterjee, Firas Bayram, Rajat Chaudhary, Anna Brunstrom, Javid Taheri, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Andreas Kassler, 2023
- Yunpeng Ma, Khalil Younis, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Andreas Kassler, Pavel Krakhmalev, Andreas Thore, Hans Lindback, 2023
- Firas Bayram, Phil Aupke, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, Jonas Forsman, 2023
- Firas Bayram, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Erik Hallin, Anton Engman, 2023
- Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Xavier Bellekens, Robert Atkinson, Christos Tachtatzis, Pavel Herout, 2023
- Firas Bayram, Bestoun S. Ahmed, ERIK Hallin, Anton Engman, 2022
- Firas Bayram, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Andreas Kassler, 2022
- Ayan Chatterjee, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2022
- Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Hynek Schvach, 2022
- Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2022
- Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Youcef Belkhier, Jiri Nema, Hynek Schvach, 2022
- Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures, Karel Frajtak, Vaclav Rechtberger, Michal Trnka, Xavier Bellekens, Tomas Cerny, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2022
- Qusay Alsarhan, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, Kamal Zamli, 2022
- Ayan Chatterjee, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Erik Hallin, Anton Engman, 2022
- Yunpeng Ma, Andreas Kassler, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Pavel Krakhmalev, Andreas Thore, Arash Toyser, Hans Lindbäck, 2022
- Md. Abdul Kader, Kamal Z. Zamli, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2021
- Krystof Sykora, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, 2021
- K. Z. Zamli, M. A. Kader, S. Azad, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2021
- Miroslav Bures, Bestoun. S Ahmed, Vaclav Rechtberger, Matej Klima, Michal Trnka, Miroslav Jaros, Xavier Bellekens, Dani Almog, Pavel Herout, 2021
- Miroslav Bures, Matej Klima, Vaclav Rechtberger, Bestoun. S Ahmed, Hanan Hindy, Xavier Bellekens, 2021
- V. Rechtberger, M. Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2020
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Angelo Gargantin, Miroslav Bures, 2020
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Enoiu Eduard, Afzal Wasif, Zamli Kamal Z, 2020
- Jan Richter, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, Cleber R. Rosa Junior, 2020
- Imad H. Hasan, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Moyad Y. Potrus, Kamal Z. Zamli, 2020
- M. Bures, M. Klima, V. Rechtberger, X. Bellekens, C. Tachtatzis, R. Atkinson, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2020
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2020
- Matej Klima, Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Xavier Bellekens, Hanan Hindy, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2020
- Miroslav Bures, Miroslav Macik, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Vaclav Rechtberger, Pavel Slavik, 2020
- Ibrahim-Anka Salihu, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Kamal Z Zamli, Asmau Usman, 2019
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, Karel Frajtak, Tomas Cerny, 2019
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Angelo Gargantini, Kamal Z. Zamli, Cemal Yilmaz, Miroslav Bures, Marek Szeles, 2019
- A. B. Nasser, K. Z. Zamli, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2019
- Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2019
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, 2019
- M. Bures, T. Cerny, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2019
- Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Kamal Z. Zamli, 2019
- K. Z. Zamli, F. Din, N. Ramli, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2019
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, M. Bures, 2019
- Miroslav Bures, Tomas Cerny, Karel Frajtak, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2019
- Thair Shakir Mahmoud, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Mohammed Y. Hassan, 2019
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Amador Pahim, Cleber R Rosa Junior, D. Richard Kuhn, Miroslav Bures, 2019
- Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures, 2018
- Abdullah B. Nasser, Kamal Z. Zamli, AbdulRahman A. Alsewari, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2018
- Abdullah B. Nasser, Kamal Z. Zamli, AbdulRahman A. Alsewari, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2018
- Kamal Z. Zamli, Abdulrahman Alsewari, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2018
- Hong Min, Taesik Kim, Junyoung Heo, Tomas Cerny, Sriram Sankaran, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Jinman Jung, 2018
- Miroslav Bures, Karel Frajtak, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2018
- Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Graham Kendall, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2017
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Kamal Z. Zamli, Wasif Afzal, Miroslav Bures, 2017
- Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Salmi Baharom, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2017
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Luca M. Gambardella, Wasif Afzal, Kamal Z. Zamli, 2017
- M. Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2017
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, L. M. Gambardella, K. Z. Zamli, 2016
- Mouayad A. Sahib, Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2016
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Mouayad A. Sahib, Luca M. Gambardella, Wasif Afzal, Kamal Z. Zamli, 2016
- Bestoun S. Ahmed, 2016