Andreas Theocharis

Nowadays, several socioeconomic, environmental and technological reasons drive the necessity to change the energy production, delivery and utilization landscape to a more sustainable framework. Recent advancements on renewables energy resources and electrical power engineering technology, in combination to the most advanced achievements from computer science applications, information technology and communications, offer a positive ground to develop and establish the future generation of energy systems. In this field, the my scientific and applied research activities include
Renewable energy and storage systems design and applications for smart power systems: solar, wind and thermoelectrical energy for residential, commercial and industrial applications, combined heat and power systems, transportation systems.
Modelling and development of electrical power components and systems: transformers, photovoltaic generators, fuel cells and thermoelectric generators for power systems analysis and applications.
Power systems transients, dynamics and power quality: low and high frequency switching transients, distributed generation and distributed storage dynamics, ac and dc microgrids.
Teaching of several courses as instructor in the field of fundamental physics, electric circuit analyses, AC and DC electric power systems operation analyses and control, analysis and design of electric power installations, renewable energy systems.
Current teaching activity
ELGA21/ELGB13 Electrical technology
ELGB09 Introduction to power systems
ELGB16 Renewable energy sources and their applications
ELGC24 Integration of Renewable energy in electrical power systems
ELGC22 Electrical power systems
Network/Research Collaboration
- Ellevio
- Karlstads ElochStadsNät
- Glava Energy Center
- Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Eindhoven University Of Technology, The Netherlands
- DNV GL, The Netherlands
- TenneT, The Netherlands
- University of Manchester, UK
- Siemens Wind Power A/S, Denmark
- Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark
- Nexans, Norway
- Sintef Energy Research, Norway
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Siemens AG Berlin, Germany
- Dnepropetrovsk National University, Ukraine
- Hellenic Electricity TSO, Greece
- Hellenic Operator of Electricity Market, Greece
- Hellenic Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Greece
- University of Patras, Greece
- National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Seema Seema, Andreas Theocharis, Andreas Kassler, 2024
- Firas Bayram, Phil Aupke, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, Jonas Forsman, 2023
- Phil Aupke, Phil Seema, Andreas Theocharis, Andreas Kassler, Dan-Eric Archer, 2023
- Amal Nammouchi, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, 2023
- Amal Nammouchi, Marta Stentati, Simone Paoletti, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, 2023
- Amal Nammouchi, Phil Aupke, Fabio D’Andreagiovanni, Hakim Ghazzai, Andreas Theocharis, Andreas Kassler, 2023
- Andreas Theocharis, Sahaphol Hamanee, 2022
- Phil Aupke, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, Magnus Nilsson, Isac Myren Andersson, 2022
- Johannes Andersson, Henrik Olsson, Andreas Theocharis, 2021
- Amal Nammouchi, Phil Aupke, Andreas Kassler, Andreas Theocharis, Viviana Raffa, Marco Di Felice, 2021
- Sahaphol Hamanee, Elisabet Wahlstedt, Stavros Lazarou, Andreas Theocharis, 2020
- Andreas Theocharis, Marjan Popov, 2019
- Sylvester Johansson, Jonas Persson, Stavros Lazarou, Andreas Theocharis, 2019
- Andreas Theocharis, Marjan Popov, 2017
- Andreas Theocharis, M. Popov, V. Terzija, 2016
- Andreas Theocharis, M. Popov, R. Seibold, S. Voss, M. Eiselt, 2015
- Andreas Theocharis, Marjan Popov, Vlabimir Terzija, 2015
- Andreas Theocharis, E. C. Pyrgioti, 2015
- Andreas Theocharis, M. Popov, 2015
- Andreas Theocharis, Marjan Popov, Bjorn Gustavsen, 2013
- Andreas Theocharis, E. C. Pyrgioti, 2013
- Andreas Theocharis, A. E. Tzinevrakis, V. P. Charalampakos, J. Milias-Argitis, T. Zacharias, 2012
- Andreas Theocharis, J. C. Olivares-Galvan, T. Zacharias, 2012
- Andreas Theocharis, V. P. Charalampakos, A. Drosopoulos, J. Milias-Argitis, 2012
- J. C. Olivares-Galvan, E. Campero-Littlewood, J. L. Hernandez-Avila, R. Escarela-Perez, S. M. Adame, Andreas Theocharis, 2012
- Andreas Theocharis, Eleftheria Pyrgioti, Ioannis Naxakis, 2012
- Andreas Theocharis, V. P. Charalampakos, A. Drosopoulos, 2011
- Andreas Theocharis, Vasilios Charalambakos, Eleftheria Pyrgioti, George Peppas, G Laskos, 2011
- Andreas Theocharis, Ioannis Naxakis, Eleftheria Pyrgioti, 2011
- Andreas Theocharis, J. Milias-Argitis, T. Zacharias, 2010
- J. C. Olivares-Galván, P. S. Georgilakis, Andreas Theocharis, M. Madrigal, 2010
- Andreas Theocharis, A. Tzinevrakis, V. Charalampakos, J. Milias-Argitis, Th. Zacharias, 2010
- Andreas Theocharis, John Milias-Argitis, Thomas Zacharias, 2009
- Andreas Theocharis, J. Milias-Argitis, T. Zacharias, 2009
- Andreas Theocharis, Thomas Zacharias, Dimitrios Tsanakas, John Milias-Argitis, 2009
- Andreas Theocharis, J. Milias-Argitis, Th. Zacharias, 2008
- Andreas Theocharis, John Milias-Argitis, Thomas Zacharias, 2006
- Andreas Theocharis, J. Milias-Argitis, Th. Zacharias, 2006
- Andreas Theocharis, John Milias-Argitis, Thomas Zacharias, 2005
- Andreas Theocharis, A. Menti, J. Milias-Argitis, Th. Zacharias, 2005