Leadership for researchers
Karlstads universitet erbjuder kompetensutveckling i ledarskap till forskare som vill vidareutveckla sitt ledarskap utifrån akademiens förutsättningar. Avsikten är att stärka forskare i sin ledarskapsroll och bidra till hållbara och framgångsrika forskningsmiljöer. Ledaskapsutveckling erbjuds på tre olika nivåer anpassat till vart du befinner dig i din forskarkarriär. Det är en progression genom de olika nivåerna, men de är fristående och det krävs inga specifika förkunskaper.
Introduction to research leadership provides an opportunity for individuals to explore research leadership, individually and collectively. The program utilizes a variety of methodologies from theory input, self-reflection, and group work. The aim of this program is to introduce leadership within a research context.
Research Leader Initiative is developed together with Linnaeus University, Mälardalen University, Karlstad University and Mid Sweden University. It is designed for our future research leaders and covers leadership, group development, grant writing, ethics and utilization.
In a hands-on approach, focus will be on practical elements based on each participant’s situation. You will acquire tools and methods that are directly and individually applicable in your role as a research leader. You will work together with researchers from our partner universities both in and between sessions.
REAL Advanced is tailored for participants who are established research leaders for larger research environments, projects, or centre formations from all scientific fields, seeking to further enhance their leadership skills. The emphasis is on strategic thinking, personal development, and communication skills. Participants will strengthen self-awareness, share experiences, and collaborate with peers from other fields. Practical elements and theory and training with leadership tools are interspersed with reflection and discussions.
Between the sessions participants practice coaching and receive professional leadership coaching. In this way, learning takes place in direct connection with the participants' own practices. The initiative is run in collaboration with Linnaeus University, Mälardalen University, Karlstad University and Mid Sweden University.