Examples of development studies with Ozlab
Below is a selection of studies conducted with the Ozlab system or eyetracker.

Malleable interactive prototypes: Co-designing during interaction 2019-2024
Malin Wik has in her doctoral studies spun on the GUI-ii ideas mentioned below. Several works have been published since 2016. During spring 2024 she finished a monograph entitled "Prototyping with purpose: Increasing participatory design with malleable interactive prototypes" (Karlstad University Studies 2024:17). In this dissertation she accounts in particular for two of the experiments: one with two classes at an upper secondary school and one study including visitors to a hospital. She discusses the prototyping technology's influence on the co-design as well as interaction design as a hands-on subject for schools where participatory design helps demonstrating for pupils how prospective users can be involved in designing
GUI-ii, Graphical User Interface-interaction interview - Co-designing at a distance 2016-2019
GUI-ii is a method used to remotely discuss, develop and test GUI prototypes with users and stakeholders. The main benefit of this way of co-designing allows for interaction-informed discussions around functions and user interfaces, where re-design and hands-on experience can be integrated and efficiently carried out remotely. Using Ozlab as a facilitation tool to enact GUI layout and, especially, to enact the responses allows participation and evaluation to be mixed in participatory design sessions in a productive way. GUI-ii facilitates participation by relaxing demands for physical presence and by allowing people to participate from their own work environment while still making it easy for them to directly influence contents, structure and interaction.
A4Cloud - The Cloud Accountability Project - Distance tests 2015
The A4Cloud project focused on accountability for the cloud together with other future Internet services, trying to improve user awareness about how their personal data is used in the cloud.
Within the A4Cloud project, Ozlab was used in 2015 for the construction of early mockups and evaluations with domain experts. AAS (Audit Agent System), for example, was evaluated concerned intelligibility and available functions in several iterations. In each new iteration a re-designed version of the mockup was evaluated (based on the results from the previous iteration).
It was within the A4Cloud project the first Ozlab sessions at a distance were carried out. Domain experts located in Germany and a couple of Swedish towns (other than Karlstad) were interacting and giving feedback also in post-test discussions. This has later on developed into a interview methodology later to be called GUI-ii.
Swedish Rescue Services Agency - Event report test June 2008
SRSA wanted help with usability testing on the production of a new IT-tool for emergency services. The tool, Plattformen, was to be used operationally by the staff of the emergency services when they are out on a rescue effort (e.g. a fire or drowning).
In order that emergency services should be able to analyse an accident subsequently all rescue efforts are documented afterwards. Before the implementation of Plattformen the documentation was performed with pen and paper, out on the scene of the event, then to be registered in a computer system by a secretary. The administration (with intermediates) created problems and misunderstandings since it was not the same person that wrote the notes that registered them into the computer system.
The goal of the system was to get a digitalized system out at the scene of an accident, so that one could register the notes directly, without any intermediates. This should contribute to fewer errors and misunderstandings.
TPA - Prototype of a new website September 2009
TPA (The Packaging Arena) used Ozlab when the further developed their website. Three digital images of the new website were sent to an advertising agency. These images were then used to create 20 new Ozlab images with the same basic appearance.
From the images a prototype was created, an interaction shell, which the group audience could test within only a few hours. The prototype could be developed so quickly since no programming is needed to create Ozlab-prototypes (all interaction is simulated).
Already in the creation of the interaction shell, some problems occurred that both TPA and the advertising agency had missed. For example, they had not thought about how the sites various menus would work in the various levels of the site. The prototype was tested in Ozlab on several individuals in the target groups and additional usability problems could be found.
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency - System for Planning, test programmed prototype April 2009
In the autumn 2008, SCCA started the project BeRädd, were the goal is to create a system for planning the emergency services resources. The users of the system (from emergency service or county administrative board) shall base on maps situate stations, vehicles and staff so as to provide coverage to all residents of the area within the statutory time.
A programmed prototype of BeRädd was tested in Ozlab during April 2009. The test participants consisted of both staff from emergency service and county administrative board. The usability tests proved the prototype to be so hard to use that the test participants could not even start the prototype.
After the Ozlab study, it was possible to see that the prototype had so extensive usability issues that it had to be recast as well in design as in the workflow. Thanks to the participation of the end users it is more likely to create a system that meets the users' needs.
MSB - BeRädd system tested with Ozlab Autumn 2009
Since earlier usability tests have shown that the prototype for BeRädd was too difficult to use the users’ needs and demands had to be more thorough studied. To be able to produce a product that meets the users’ needs and expectations it was important to work closely with the end users.
To improve the usability of the system Ozlabprototypes was created with suggestions for new looks and interaction. Three different suggestions were produced and the end users could test it in their own environment at their work places. Since Ozlabprototypes don´t demand any programming the prototypes could be developed rapidly and only a few weeks later they were tested and a new version of BeRädd was developed together with satisfied end users.
Karlstad University - Start and education websites November 2008
The Department of Communication at Karlstad University had decided to do a comprehensive revision of the University´s website. In November 2008 the main focus was Recruiting future students. With this in mind studying the start page and the pages with the presentation of the educations became the mission.
A task analysis was performed. By interview with persons in the target group (prospective students) demands and needs could be identified.
In the second phase (December 2008) of the project, the main focus was the Collaboration and About the University pages. A task analysis was performed to identify important features and demands. From interviews with target group (cooperation partners) needs and demands could be identified.
PrimeLife - Trust Evaluation start April 2009
The PrimeLife project is a EU-project were Karlstad University is one of the partners. The project main focus is to increase protection of personal integrity for internet users.
PrimeLife is working on a system that can store the information an internet user leaves in different websites; whom the information goes to and for how long they are allowed to save the information. The system shall also evaluate the reliability for website visited and the user shall get a warning if the website is not reliable.
In April and May 2009 usability tests were performed in Ozlab with a simulated prototype. The test was conducted on 12 individuals. In this part of the system the user shall, when purchasing on internet, decide whether the website is reliable or not. The system performs a reliability control (Trust Evaluation) of the visited website and the user shall decide how reliable it is by interpreting the control check.
In May 2009 usability studies were performed on a Flash prototype handling a part of the PrimeLife system; Credentials. The test was conducted on 5 individuals. In this part of the system the user shall, by purchasing on the internet, identify oneself with anonymous evidence (credentials). In this version the information on the cards was cut out (animated).
In September 2009 usability studies were performed on 5 individuals once again with the Flash prototype.
House-builder Company – Eye tracking study January 2008
A house-builder company wanted help with an eye tracking study on their website. The test result showed that there were som major problems finding information and that some information was missing. For example, it was very difficult to find were to order a catalogue. The severity of the result emerged when it was revealed that it was one of the most important features on the website. At this point it was possible to order a catalogue on every web page except the start page.
The recommendation was to place Order catalogue in the main menu or directly on the start page.
FIDIS - Identity Management Systems April-May 2008
Ozlab has been used in project FIDIS (Future of IDentity in the Information Society). During April and May 2008 an analysis was conducted in the different systems handling personal integrity on the internet. The purpose of the study was to check different Identity Management Systems (IMS-related) features. Another purpose was to choose some systems that would be studied later on in another large-scale project.
Example of IMS-systems:
*Internet Explorer