University pedagogy training
As of Autumn 2020, there was a new model in place for UPE’s courses for university teachers. We now offer more courses but each course is less comprehensive. It will also be up to the individual teacher and his/her supervisor to choose the courses that are most relevant in their particular case.
UPE’s mission is to provide excellent, relevant training and thus support teachers in doing their job.

Below you can find short information about our courses. The range of courses is continuously developed and updated. Staff at Kau can find more detailed information on Inslaget.
Teaching at University: Knowledge, learning and practical teaching (KLL) 80h
The course is mainly for new teachers at Karlstad University, but the course is focused on practical teaching, and therefore suitable for teachers with extensive experience as well.
When meeting students, in the classroom, online, individually or in groups, the teacher must handle the situation in such a manner that the student undertakes the endeavor of learning something new. Based on research about learning and different types of knowledge, this course aims to give practical tools for skillful teaching at the university level. In the course, we engage in the practicalities of handling various, common, teaching scenarios such as lecturing and/or laboratory supervision, in various group sizes.
Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) 40h
The course is aimed at teachers who have started, or are about to start, employment as university teachers.
The course introduces University teachers to their role as government employees through frameworks concerning university education, such as fundamental legislation, rules and local policies. Course participants receive an overview of international and national quality assurance protocol and their relation to University activity. Participants receive knowledge of and preparation for work with quality development in higher education.
Constructive alignment (CA) 40h
The course is for teachers and doctoral students who wish to develop and document their competence in the field of basic pedagogical skills.
The aim of the course is for the participant to be able to develop and quality assure courses within their own main field of study with the help of Constructive Alignment. In the course, participants are using Constructive Alignment practically for the development of a new or an existing course from their own everyday life.
Chat-GPT & AI: Academic Integration (AI) 30h
The course is aimed at university staff, especially teachers from various departments, to support them in handling existing and upcoming challenges with AI tools. This includes the integration of these tools into their teaching and understanding both the technical and ethical aspects of such tools. The course, “Chat-GPT & AI: Academic Integration,” is designed to provide participants with an insight into the world of AI-based tools, with a special focus on Chat-GPT.
Teach like a champion (TLC) 30h
The aim of the course is for you to choose a teaching technique from the book Teach like a champion 2.0 (by Doug Lemov) and adapt it to your own teaching. During the first course meeting, we will make a plan for your work and how you want to present it. During the second course meeting, you present your idea and receive feedback from the teacher and the other course participants. Based on that feedback, you will be able to complete your task.
Open Networked Learning Course (ONL) 80h
The course is aimed for teachers who want to learn more about flexible and online learning. Preferably with some experience of online learning or teaching.
The participants will work in Problem Based Learning (PBL) -groups investigating different topics regarding flexible and online teaching and learning, such as digital literacies, openness and design for online and blended learning. The participants will reflect on the student´s role and the student´s needs in online learning. Throughout the course, the participants will take part in webinars and tweet chats addressing different aspects of online learning.
Higher education didactics for sustainability (HEDS) 80h
The course aims to empower educators, pedagogical developers, and others involved in curriculum design in higher education to integrate sustainability into teaching practice.
The course is designed using a problem-based learning approach, which engages learners in small groups to collaborate – through discussion, experience sharing, and collective learning – to explore tools and competencies needed to foster a more sustainable world through education.
Norm-Critical Pedagogy: Learning Norm-Critical Skills for teaching in Higher Education (NKP) 60h
This course is for all university teachers.
In this course we will investigate norms and biases that can circulate in an academic learning environment. Such norms might be involving gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, class. We will address how these social categories might affect educational practices between the teacher and students as well as among the students themselves. The course focuses on practical methods and tools that will help you as teachers to learn a self-reflexive and confident practice with the aim to create inclusive classrooms.
Canvas: Structure for overview and progress (CSP) 20h
The course is aimed at all teachers who use Canvas.
The goal is to create a well-structured Canvas course that is clear, provides an overview and structure. Among other things, we go through the importance of students' perspectives on a clear course structure in Canvas and how to create examinations that are supported by the requirements for GDPR and legal aspects for online teaching. This course are currently only given in Swedish.
Feedback and examination (AEX) 40h
The course is aimed at teachers who participate in assessment, examination and who provide feedback to students. The participants are introduced to various techniques for giving formative and summative feedback.
Supervisor course for independent work (HSA) 100h
The course is aimed at teachers at Karlstad University who supervise essays and independent work.
This course are currently only given in Swedish. Participants who understand spoken and written Swedish can participate by speaking English.
Supervising PhD students (DHU) 200h
The course is aimed at teachers at Karlstad University who supervises or intends to supervise students at doctoral level
Supervision is the most important pedagogical instrument in doctoral-level education. Supervising doctoral and licentiate students is not just about conveying knowledge to students, but is also about facilitating the development of students into independent researchers. This includes supporting the development of analytical skills, the ability to think critically and innovatively, to manage projects and cooperate with others.
Seminar series of Supervising PhD students (DHU2)
The seminars are aimed at doctoral teachers at Karlstad University who supervise or intend to supervise students at the doctoral level.
This course are currently only given in Swedish. Participants who understand spoken and written Swedish can participate by speaking English.
Building your pedagogical portfolio: Group supervision (BMP) 50h
The course is aimed at teachers and doctoral students aiming to acquire official qualifications within the field of basic teaching expertise.
Participants in the course will develop their teaching portfolio with the help of the course coordinator and in collaboration with each other. The goal is to create a teaching portfolio of sufficient scope and quality so that the participants can be considered having “started a teaching portfolio” (SUHF’s recommendation 2016:1).
External participants
If available, we offer course places for external participants. A course fee is charged.
Contact for more information.