
  • 2024-08-12

    Mette Mortensen, new Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies

    Mette Mortensen is a professor of media studies at the University of Copenhagen with a doctorate in art and literature and an interdisciplinary background with a Master’s in literary history. Mette’s focus has long been the relationship between images and power.

    Mette, what do you find interesting about the research field of Geomedia?

    – I find it both interesting and inspiring that Geomedia looks at media in a societal, cultural and technological context.

  • 2024-06-17

    Digital walking trail can draw attention to what is happening in Sápmi

    The research project “Sámi ‘Trail of Tears’ Walking Trail” has now been completed. Richard Ek, professor of human geography and project leader, talks about the importance of the control being with the indigenous population and that the culture surrounding Sápmi is extremely important in keeping the stories surrounding the forced displacement of the Sámi alive.

    – Our findings have confirmed what we’ve known all along, Richard Ek explains. Control of walking trails and guided tours must belong with the indigenous peoples. Experiences within the project from Australia in particular clearly show this. What is happening in Sápmi today with industrial forestry, wind power and the expansion of mining is reminiscent of what is happening and has happened in South Africa and Australia where the consequences of colonialisation are still evident today.

  • 2024-03-28

    Crisis communication with an “invisible” population

    People who own or have access to a holiday home are called “the invisible population” because they can be difficult to reach in the event of a crisis. Geomedia researchers at Karlstad University emphasise the importance of increasing the knowledge regarding how crisis communication from authorities needs to reach temporary populations.

    Holiday homes are a significant part of Swedish tourism. There are approximately 660,000 holiday homes in Sweden, and about half of the population have access to one – either by owning one or using one that is owned by family or friends.

  • 2024-02-09

    The elusiveness of air - a financial asset that can help shaping environmental politics

    Xin Liu, senior lecturer in gender studies at Karlstad University, receives funding for her research from Geomedia to write the book ”Making Air Smart: The Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Atmospheric Data”.

    Xin Liu, in what way is this project connected to Geomedia?

  • 2023-12-13

    Geomedia summary 2023

    It's time to look back on 2023 – the second year for the Center for Geomedia Studies. First and foremost, I want to thank you for all the valuable contributions and efforts that collectively build our shared research environment!

    The examples below, taken from our news feed, provide a glimpse of what we were up to during 2023. But much more also took place.

  • 2023-09-19

    Hope and hopeful trends in our contemporary digitalised world at the focus of this year’s Geomedia conference

    This year’s international Geomedia conference is held 20–22 September in Tampere, Finland, under the theme “Digital Geographies of Hope”. Eleven people from Karlstad University will take part in the conference, which is organised in collaboration with Tampere University.

    André Jansson, Professor of Media and Communication Studies and Director of the Center for Geomedia Studies (Geomedia) at Karlstads University, tell us more about the theme “Digital Geographies of Hope”

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