People who are successful in their fields often owe their success to some kind of mentor – someone who has not only guided and encouraged their skills but also their personalities. You can also become a mentor to a student.

Mentorship is a relationship for development and learning, a tool to stimulate professional and personal development. Mentorship involves two persons – a mentor and a novice – who meet regularly to develop together. Through mentorship, the novice gets support, someone to test ideas with, and guidance.
This relationship is expected to be of reciprocal benefit. As a mentor, you support the less experienced person’s personal development. You are a sounding board, helping the novice finding answers to questions and thoughts. It may involve personal development but also career issues or making considered professional choices. You also share your experience, knowledge and lessons learnt. A good mentorship involves two committed persons in a confidential and open relationship.
Being a mentor means that:
- you have an honorary assignment
- you share you wise experience of both success and adversity
- you listen and ask the wise questions
- you are prepared to learn new things about yourself and others
- you invest time and energy in your novice
- you are a good ambassador for your organisation
Interested in being a mentor please contact us!