One Year Master in Working Life Science
60 ECTS credits

Study programme
The impact of globalisation and social change will increasingly affect working life structures and conditions in the twenty-first century. This Master level programme provides knowledge of these changes and a critical and analytical approach to them. Students learn to assess current trends in society and in working life.
This programme is carried out in collaboration with the University of Gotheburg and the University of Borås. Lectures/seminars can take place at either of these universities or Karlstad University. Some distance learning activities will also be used.
This programme is carried out in collaboration with the University of Gotheburg and the University of Borås. Lectures/seminars can take place at either of these universities or Karlstad University. Some distance learning activities will also be used.
Education level:
Master's level
Bachelor's degree of at least 180 ECTS credits in Working Life Science, or equivalent. Upper secondary level Swedish 3 or B, or Swedish as a Second Language 3 or B, or equivalent. Upper secondary level English 6 or A, or equivalent.
While studying
The aim of the Master's programme in working life science is for you to develop the scientifically-based skills in analytical and constructive thinking needed to deal with issues relating to organisations as well as the labour market. Students acquire specialised and advanced knowledge of how work is organised at these different levels. The Swedish labour market system is analysed in relation to that of other industrial countries and to the development within Sweden. Different theoretical models are discussed. There are also methodological discussions on the approaches and applications of qualitative and quantitative methods. You will also complete a final degree project. During your degree project, with supervision, you identify and formulate a working life science problem, plan and carry out an empirical investigation, and report and present your study and results in an formal written thesis following standard academic procedures.The programme is a collaboration between Karlstad University, the University of Gothenburg and the University of Borås. Lectures and seminars will take place at all three universities, approximately five to ten days away from Karlstad, which may require additional costs for travel and subsistence.
Form of Instruction
The Working Life Science Master Programme at Karlstad University is offered in conjunction with the University of Göteborg and the University of Borås. This means that some lectures and seminars will take place at a different venue than Karlstad. Instruction will also in part be in the form of distance education. All instructors are active researchers and teach in the area of their expertise. In this way a unique network of researchers and advanced students is set up.Examination
Examination usually takes place at the end of each course, model or unit. The forms of the examination may vary. There are written exams, take home exams, oral exams and seminars. You are also expected to submit other work throughout the course. There are no set examination periods, and generally no final exam at the end of a semester, an academic year, or a complete study programme.Professional Contact
The programme is established by the network AiV, Arbetsvetenskap i Västsverige (Working Life Science in Western Sweden). AiV is a network aiming at making connections between universities and actors in the working life.Course of Study
The programme comprises four courses of 15 ECTS each:1. Organizational and leadership trends in perspective of sustainability, dealing with national and international production and service processes;
2. The Labour Market from a Swedish and International Perspective, dealing with power and influence;
3. Research Methods, dealing with the theory and application of qualitative and quantitative methods;
4. Degree Project, involving independent work under the supervision of an experienced researcher.
Course 1 will take place at the University of Borås, course 2 at the University of Gothenburg. Course 3 and 4 will take place at Karlstad University. Therefore, only courses 3 and 4 are shown in the table below.
Programme Structure
Term 1
1. Organizational and leadership trends in a sustainability perspective, 15 ECTS
2. Labour market in national and international perspective, 15 credits
Total Credits: 30
Term 2
3. Research methods in work science, 15 credits
4. Work Science - Master's thesis, 15 credits
Score: 30
Course of study
Semester 2 | ECTS credits |
Research Methods within Working Life Science (Obligatory) | 15 |
Working Life Science - Master's thesis (one year) (Obligatory) | 15 |
Total ECTS credits:
Elective course: Students are free to choose among certain alternative courses, often depending on their choice of specialisation.
Optional course: Students are free to choose any course offered at Karlstad University or at other universities. Courses listed are examples of recommended or frequently chosen courses for a specific programme.
Läsårs- och programvärderingar
Start semester Autumn 2016
Start semester Autumn 2017
Start semester Autumn 2021
Start semester Autumn 2023
Future prospects
Employment Market
A Master's degree in working life science opens the door to qualified development work in national and international organisations as well as to investigation and evaluation work in companies, public agencies and non-profit organisations. A Master's degree in working life science also gives eligibility for doctoral studies in working life science.Degree
Upon completion of this one-year programme (60 ECTS cr.) at Master's level, students are awarded a Master's Degree in Working Life Science. For examination and assessment regulations, see under the heading "Learning outcomes" in the programme study plan.Further Studies
Studies at Master's level make you eligible for doctoral studies in, for instance, Working Life Science. The subject in which your doctor's degree will be awarded will depend on your previous studies. You also need to meet the prerequisites for doctoral studies of the subject chosen.Alumni
Name: Tora Dahl JakobsenGraduation year: 2010
Degree: Master Working Life Science
Current work: Administrator Borås
From January 2011-2018 PhD-student in Working Life Science, Karlstad University
Name: Andreas Folkesson
Graduation year: 2010
Degree: Master Working Life Science Current work: HR assistant at Husqvarna AB
- Start Autumn 2025
- Mode of study Distance with on-campus meetings (Karlstad)
- Language Swedish
- Application code KAU-80499
- Study pace 100% (Day)