Civics and Civics Teaching
7.5 ECTS creditsPresent day society is analysed in terms of political and sociological concepts. Students relate subject content to education and teaching by planning and problematising lessons based on their experiences and subject-specific education research.
The course comprises the following components:
- description, analysis and discussion of Swedish society with a focus on young people's situations
- description, analysis and discussion of communities at loca, national, international and global levels with a focus on young people's situations
- analysis of young people's conditions in terms of the concepts individual, identity, gender and diversity
- application of subject-specific teaching theories and issues to content and their teaching.
The course comprises the following components:
- description, analysis and discussion of Swedish society with a focus on young people's situations
- description, analysis and discussion of communities at loca, national, international and global levels with a focus on young people's situations
- analysis of young people's conditions in terms of the concepts individual, identity, gender and diversity
- application of subject-specific teaching theories and issues to content and their teaching.
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Completed 82.5 course credits in social studies, including the module Independent Academic Writing, 7.5 ECTS cr in the course SHGL03, or equivalent.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.