Natural Disaster Management 2
7.5 ECTS creditsThe course deals with how societies in different parts of the world organise and systematically handle the different threats and risks of natural disasters. Examples of methods to reduce damage, raise the level of management, and increase the safety of individuals and important community functions are studied. Societal preparedness and safety work before, during and after an accident are analysed along with the possibilities and limitations of alert systems and prognosis.
Instruction is provided via a web-based platform and during two campus-based meetings. The course involves problem-based and flexible learning approaches. The first on-campus meeting includes discussion exercises aiming to identify students' pre-understanding.
Instruction is provided via a web-based platform and during two campus-based meetings. The course involves problem-based and flexible learning approaches. The first on-campus meeting includes discussion exercises aiming to identify students' pre-understanding.
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Natural Disaster Management 1, 7.5 ECTS cr, or equivalent. Upper secondary level Swedish 3 or B, Swedish as a second language 3 or B, English 6 or A, or equivalent.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Risk Management in society (studied during year 1)