Nursing in relation to symptoms and signs of illness
37.5 ECTS creditsThe course includes Nursing (22 ECTS cr), integrated with Medical Science (15.5 ECTS cr). The course includes a clinical placement (VFU) equivalent to 21 ECTS cr distributed as follows: Surgery 7.5 ECTS cr, Medicine 7.5 ECTS cr, and Psychiatry 6 ECTS cr. Instruction is in the form of introductory lectures, specialised lectures, seminars, skills training, simulation, and reflective discussions.
Patophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment (including specific pharmaceuticals), prevention and specific treatment in relation to:
-orthopedic illnesses
-gastrointestinal illnesses
-nephrologic illnesses
-peripheral vascular and cardiovascular illnesses
-psychiatric illnesses
Acute and chronic pain
-pre and post operative nursing, including transfusion, epidural, and drainage
Mental health problems
-treating people suffering from mental ill health
Central concepts and theories relevant to nursing
-symptom theory
-nursing ethics related to the nurse's ethical competence
Care plan
-identifying needs, assessing and diagnosing nursing problems, risks and resources, setting goals, prescribing and applying evidence-based nursing interventions
-nursing documentation, e-health, and IT support
Pharmaceutical dosage calculation II
Skills training
-peripheral and central venous lines
-feeding tube
-pharmaceutical handling regarding injection and infusions and dilution of drug solutions
Patophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment (including specific pharmaceuticals), prevention and specific treatment in relation to:
-orthopedic illnesses
-gastrointestinal illnesses
-nephrologic illnesses
-peripheral vascular and cardiovascular illnesses
-psychiatric illnesses
Acute and chronic pain
-pre and post operative nursing, including transfusion, epidural, and drainage
Mental health problems
-treating people suffering from mental ill health
Central concepts and theories relevant to nursing
-symptom theory
-nursing ethics related to the nurse's ethical competence
Care plan
-identifying needs, assessing and diagnosing nursing problems, risks and resources, setting goals, prescribing and applying evidence-based nursing interventions
-nursing documentation, e-health, and IT support
Pharmaceutical dosage calculation II
Skills training
-peripheral and central venous lines
-feeding tube
-pharmaceutical handling regarding injection and infusions and dilution of drug solutions
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
Registered for Fundamentals of Nursing and the Nursing Profession, 30 ECTS credits, with at least 26 ECTS credits completed, and clinical placement (VFU) completed in Basic Clinical Nursing, 30 ECTS credits, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Study Programme in Nursing (studied during year 2)