Degree Project Primary Education, Grades 4-6 - Civics
30.0 ECTS creditsStudents carry out a supervised independent project based on a subject-specific research question related to teaching.
The course comprises the following components:
-formulating a research topic, aim and problem
-literature seminars on seminal research articles
-ethical perspectives on research
-choosing methodological approach and justifying its relevance to the problem
-methods of searching literature and performing a systematic search in the chosen area
-collecting, analysing and compiling empirical data
-analysing and discussing the empirical data in relation to theory, aim and questions
-presenting the investigation in writing
-defending the project in a seminar
-serving as a peer reviewer
The course comprises the following components:
-formulating a research topic, aim and problem
-literature seminars on seminal research articles
-ethical perspectives on research
-choosing methodological approach and justifying its relevance to the problem
-methods of searching literature and performing a systematic search in the chosen area
-collecting, analysing and compiling empirical data
-analysing and discussing the empirical data in relation to theory, aim and questions
-presenting the investigation in writing
-defending the project in a seminar
-serving as a peer reviewer
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Completed courses LPGG01, LPGG02, LPGG05, LPGG10, LPGG18, LPAG01, LPAG02 and LPAG05, plus at least 15 ECTS cr completed for subject courses
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Primary Education Programme: x (studied during year 4)