Chemistry Preparatory A
7.5 PECLearning outcome 1: Scientific method, matter and its aggregated forms, elements, chemical compounds, pure substances and alloys, Bohr's atom model and atomic mass, acids and bases (acid and basic solutions, pH-scale, neutralisation, buffert effects), reaction velocity and chemical equilibrium, thermo chemistry (endotherm and exotherm reactions, enthalpy, heat capacity), oxidation and reduction (redox reactions, reducing agents, oxidation agents, oxidation number) electro chemistry (galvanic cells, electro motor tension, normal potentials, corrosion, hydrogen gas electrode, electrolysis).
Learning outcome 2: Electron configuration, the structure of the periodic system (periods and groups), alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, the borate, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen groups, halogens, and noble metals.
Learning outcome 3: Metal binding, ionic binding, the names and properties of ionic bindings, covalent bindings, polar and non-polar molecules, dipol-dipol binding, van der Waal's binding, hydrogen binding, solubility, precipitation reactions, simple organic carbohydrates, and alcohols.
Learning outcome 4: Units, metrics and physical quantity (amount of substance, molar mass, mass, molarity), concentration of solutions, yield, dilution of solutions, reductive reactants, general gas law, crystal water, molecular formula, and empirical formula.
Learning outcome 5: Balancing reaction formula, equivalent substance amounts, and masses.
Learning outcome 6: Simple laboratory tasks related to the theory covered in the course.
learning outcome 7: Security regulations and laboratory directives.
Learning outcome 8: Hazard pictograms for chemicals.
Learning outcome 2: Electron configuration, the structure of the periodic system (periods and groups), alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, the borate, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen groups, halogens, and noble metals.
Learning outcome 3: Metal binding, ionic binding, the names and properties of ionic bindings, covalent bindings, polar and non-polar molecules, dipol-dipol binding, van der Waal's binding, hydrogen binding, solubility, precipitation reactions, simple organic carbohydrates, and alcohols.
Learning outcome 4: Units, metrics and physical quantity (amount of substance, molar mass, mass, molarity), concentration of solutions, yield, dilution of solutions, reductive reactants, general gas law, crystal water, molecular formula, and empirical formula.
Learning outcome 5: Balancing reaction formula, equivalent substance amounts, and masses.
Learning outcome 6: Simple laboratory tasks related to the theory covered in the course.
learning outcome 7: Security regulations and laboratory directives.
Learning outcome 8: Hazard pictograms for chemicals.
Education level:
Preparatory level
Admission requirements:
General admission requirements and upper secondary school level Mathematics B or Mathematics 2a, 2b, or 2c, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Preparatory year (Technical and Natural Science Subjects) (studied during year 1)