Market law with Competition law
15.0 ECTS creditsThe course covers key market law subjects such as competition law, marketing law, media law, and so on. The common denominator of these areas is that they treat questions about how businesses can, may, and should act on the market in relation to the public sector, competitors, consumers, and others.
In the area of competition law, the course includes questions about how business in different ways try to act in order to harm or suppress the emergence of effective competition. In this context, students study the three main tools of competition law that can be used to create or maintain effective competition: cartel prohibition, rules against abuse of a market leading position, and control of company concentration. In addition, the course treats the competition-related legal opportunities for state and municipal actors to be active in the market alongside private businesses.
The section on marketing law deals with issues related to the legal concept of marketing in relation to the constitutional basis of press freedom and free speech. What is marketing really, in legal terms? In addition, the course treats the question of what can be seen as inappropriate and prohibited marketing. What is a business actually allowed to claim in their marketing? How may a company use the well-known attributes, products, or similar of another company in their marketing? The media law component is primarily focused on radio and television commercials in Sweden and abroad.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, exercises, and seminars.
In the area of competition law, the course includes questions about how business in different ways try to act in order to harm or suppress the emergence of effective competition. In this context, students study the three main tools of competition law that can be used to create or maintain effective competition: cartel prohibition, rules against abuse of a market leading position, and control of company concentration. In addition, the course treats the competition-related legal opportunities for state and municipal actors to be active in the market alongside private businesses.
The section on marketing law deals with issues related to the legal concept of marketing in relation to the constitutional basis of press freedom and free speech. What is marketing really, in legal terms? In addition, the course treats the question of what can be seen as inappropriate and prohibited marketing. What is a business actually allowed to claim in their marketing? How may a company use the well-known attributes, products, or similar of another company in their marketing? The media law component is primarily focused on radio and television commercials in Sweden and abroad.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, exercises, and seminars.
Progressive specialisation:
G2F (has at least 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
60 ECTS credits from semesters 1-2 and 30 ECTS credits from semesters 3-4 completed in the Law programme at Karlstad University
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Law Programme (studied during year 3)