Advanced Quantum Mechanics
7.5 ECTS creditsThis is an advanced level quantum mechanics course. The aim of the course is that the students acquire in-depth knowledge about the foundations of quantum mechanics, as well as skills in applying quantum mechanics in advanced problems. The course treats non-relativistic quantum mechanics, in detail and gives an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics. Topics include: quantum dynamics, symmetries in quantum mechanics, the theory of ongular momentum, approximation methods, scattering theory and the Dirac equation.
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Completed courses in physics totalling 52.5 ECTS credits and 37.5 ECTS credits in mathematics plus the course Quantum Physics I attended, or equivalent. Upper secondary school level Swedish 3 or B/Swedish as a second language 3 or B, and English 6 or A, or equivalent.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Master of Science in Engineering Physics (studied during year 5)
- Master's Programme in Physics - Nanomaterials (studied during year 2)
- Master's Programme in Physics - Theoretical physics (studied during year 2)
- Master of Science in Engineering, Degree Programme in Engineering Physics (studied during year 2)