Gender Studies courses

Full time courses
Gender Studies I (A-level, 30 ECTS)
This course gives you an introduction to Gender Studies. You work with different topics within the subject, such as gender studies theory, welfare and globalization, organisation, labour market and leadership, queer and trans * bodies.
Gender Studies III (C-level, 30 ECTS)
This course deepens the ability of making independent analysis from gender science issues in courses and an independent essay work for a Bachelor's degree. You work with the development of gender science theories, as well as scientific theories and research methods.
Gender and society (D-level, 15 ECTS) - distance course
An advanced level course that goes deeper in the field of transgender studies (sub-course 1) and critical masculinity studies (sub-course 2). The course also contains an essay and can be read at a distance.
Advanced research essay in Gender Studies (D-level, 15 ECTS) - distance course
During this course, the student will write an independent essay for a Master's degree. Both theoretical and practical seminars are given.
Part time courses
The 21st century family: Gender, parenting and institutions (A-level, 7,5 ECTS)
The course is designed for current or future professionals who would like to learn more about family and how it works in a Nordic context. Special attention is paid to four areas: parenthood, gender, legislation and working with families.
Gender and Equality in Theory and Practice (A-level, 7,5 ECTS)
The course provides knowledge of the different conditions and daily existences of women and men in the workplace, home, and family. The course also introduces instruments for analyzing such gender related problems and the strategies needed to manage them on an individual, organizational, and societal level.
Gender, sexuality and psychology (A-level, 7,5 ECTS)
The course is intended for current and future professionals in different areas of psychology who want to expand their understanding of the interplay between gender, sexuality, and psychology. It also outlines a foundation for critical reflection upon practical issues in psychological treatment contexts, with a focus on gender and sexuality.
Gender, health and technology (A-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
The course is intended for current and future professionals in different health-related and healthcare areas as well as for technology developers, who want to expand their understanding of the interactions between gender, health, and technology.
Leadership, Organisation and Gender (A-level, 7,5 ECTS)
The course gives an introduction to how leadership, leadership theory, and the development and theories of organisational studies affect the construction of social gender in the working life.
Men, Masculinities and Change (A-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
The course treats central concepts and theories in the the research on masculinity, the history of masculinities, and contemporary ideals of masculinity.
Feminist postcolonialism and critical race studies (B-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
The course offers students a chance to learn about the everyday connections between race, ethnicity, and gender, and also the opportunity to engage in in-depth study of feminist postcolonialism and critical race studies.
Gender equality for whom? Intersectional perspectives on politics and practice (B-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge and tools for the examination and analysis of gender equality efforts from intersectional perspectives. There is a focus on the implementation of gender equality objectives in organisations and their operations and how knowledge of intersectional power relations can be used for further development.
Men and masculinities (B-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
This course gives an introduction to masculinity studies and research on men and masculinities in gender studies. The course is aimed at those who want insights into ways of understanding and exploring men and masculinities beyond common everyday assumptions about what a man is, on the one hand, and, on the other, those who wish to extend their knowledge of gender studies through an in-depth study of the specialised field masculinity studies.
Independent Project in Gender Studies - Bachelor's degree (B-level, 7,5 ECTS) - distance course
During this course, the student will write an independent essay for a Bachelor's degree. Both theoretical and practical seminars are given.
Summer courses
Digital health innovation: Intersections of design, technology and gender (D-level, 6,5 ECTS, full time) - campus course
The aim of this course is to identify, analyze, and address current challenges in international healthcare contexts through a transdisciplinary approach. For this purpose, the course focuses on the intersections of social inequality, politics, technological design, and health equity by asking how categories of social differentiation such as gender, race, class, and sexuality interplay with questions of health, access to healthcare, and the development, design, and use of healthcare technology.
Read more about the course here!