Criteria for exchange studies
Basic criteria for exchange studies
In order to eligible for a Karlstad University exchange place, administered by the International Office, students should:
- Have studied at least two semesters (of 30 ECTS each) at Karlstad University immediately before the start of the exchange period
- At the time of application, be registered as a Karlstad University student and be admitted to full-time studies (full-time study equates to 30 ECTS per semester)
- Have passed at least 75% of their courses. The percentage is based on completed semesters at Karlstad University
- Be able to transfer credits from their studies abroad to a degree at Karlstad University
- Study at least one semester full-time at the receiving higher education institution
- Follow the semester periods of the receiving institution and ensure that these can be incorporated into their normal studies at Karlstad University
- Have a good command of English and the language in which tuition is offered (if not English)
If students fail to fulfil one or more of these criteria, they may submit an application for exemption (see menu to the right) to the International Office together with their application for exchange studies.
Exchange places are allocated based on merit ratings. If students have the same merit rating, an assessment is made. The placement is final and no changes are allowed.
Students who do not receive a place after the placement will have the possibility to choose up to five new places in a second round, based on a list of remaining opportunities. Places offered at the time of placement and declined by the student will not be reallocated for the second selection.
Students who have already been on a semester abroad via Karlstad University may apply again, but their applications will receive a lower priority than the applications of first time applicants.
Students who have started a master’s programme at Karlstad University and have a bachelor’s degree from another university are allocated 6 extra merit points in the placement process.
If there is competition for exchange places, students will be ranked accordingly to:
- Number of credits from Karlstad University
- Grades on completed courses from Karlstad University
- Participation in mentoring activities for international students
If two or more students are still competing for the same place, we examine the order of priority of the choices in the student's application. If they are equal, we use a lottery system.
Calculating students’ merit ratings in the selection process for exchange studies:
ECTS credits Rating
0-30 1
31-60 2
61-90 3
91-120 4
121-150 5
151-180 6
181-210 7
>210 8
ECTS credits VG/4/5/AB/BA* Rating
15-30 0.5
31-45 1
46-60 1.5
61-75 2
76-90 2.5
91-105 3
106-120 3.5
121-135 4
* grade VG/4/5/AB/BA in completed course
Mentoring activities
Students who participated in the host student activities for international students and included this in their application receive 1 point in the selection process.
Students can only apply for one semester in each application round and decisions about placement cannot be appealed.