Digital Well Arena
Digital Well Arena is a continuation of the project DigitalWell research, serving industry and public sector organisations with research on developing digital user-friendly welfare services.
Karlstad University has been granted SEK 26 million through the Academy for Smart Specialisation and Vinnova for a three-year phase. Research groups in Computer Science, Service Research Center, Social Care, Centre for Gender Studies and Grants and Innovation Office will receive their share of the funding.
Computer Science will contribute research relating to service quality in 5G, security and personal integrity for IT-based systems and support for prototype development of software-based services.
The project DigitalWell Arena was initiated by Compare, Region Värmland, Karlstad University, County Administrative Board, Karlstad municipality, Karlstad El & Stadsnät, RISE Service Labs, MSB, Tieto, CGI, Nordic Medtest, Effect Management, Xmentor Management and Vinnova.
The project is in progress until the end of November 2028.