Thesis proposals on computer networking (DISCO)
Below you find open thesis proposals related to the research group DISCO (Distributed Systems and Communications) within Computer Science at Karlstad University.
The list of topics below is outdated and will be removed soon. You find currently open master thesis topics here.
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- Master Thesis on Network Configuration with TimeCritical Networks AB
- Performance evaluation of container runtimes for real-time application workloads in Kubernetes-based edge infrastructure
- Congestion Control of WebRTC, video streaming over Wireless networks
- Massive Multipathing
- Browser Based Remote Control of Raspberry Pi enabled RC Car
- HTTP3 in cluster networking (Red Hat)
- Multipath Packet Scheduling for 5G Systems
- The Great Journey - computer game studio
- Enhanced radio scheduling for eXtended Reality (XR) applications in 5G and beyond-5G networks (Ericsson)
- Integrating cBPF into eBPF for packet matching (Red Hat)
- Implementing a BPF NAT gateway (Red Hat)
- Thesis proposal by Tieto Evry
- Thesis in the area of Transport Protocols for 5G Networks
- Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Management (Glava Energy Center)
- Programmable Packet Scheduling in P4 (Ericsson)
- Software Defined Networking Configuration Automation for TSN (Ericsson)
- Thingsboard, Uddeholm
- GOOSE and Smart Grid Control Signaling over 5G
- CloudMAC on P4 Steroids
- Statefull Layer 4 Load balancing with P4
- Programmable Congestion Control with P4
- Master's thesis within a research project
- Optimized Rescheduling of Cloud-Native Network Functions in Telecom Cloud
- 5G & Machine-to-Machine Communication
- A study on scaling and load balancing for 5G core network using Kubernetes
- Design and implementation of auto-scaling solution for 5G user plane functions