Computer Science research
Our research in Computer Science is mainly focused on Computer Networking, IT security and privacy enhancing technologies, and Software Engineering. Our research environment has successfully evolved the last years. It is a multinational environment with internationally renowned researchers. Through interdisciplinary research within the focus areas and joint projects with external partners, from both academia and industry, we contribute to the technology and society of tomorrow.

All three of our focused research areas are very important in the fast growing mobile and digital world we live in.
Together with external partners we conduct research that enhances data communication, for example we contribute to development of 5G and reducing latency over Internet. Our research also contributes to a safer Internet via research on the Tor anonymity network and to make privacy and security technology’s more user friendly.
In Software Engineering our main focus is on methods and techniques to continuously preserve, improve, and adapt quality attributes of long-living software systems in order to allow such systems to be maintained and to evolve more easily.