Previous research projects in Comperative Literature
Texts, readers and reading. (Christina Olin-Scheller, Ingrid Mossberg Schüllerqvist)
Funded by Myndigheten för skolutveckling (2008-2009)The aim of the project was to develop teachers' competences in teaching reading of different texts.
EqualGrowth and Equal Growth 2.0 (Christina Olin-Scheller, Christina Grenholm, Lena Gonäs)
Funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland and Karlstad university (2008-2011)The aim of the project was to, from a gender perspective, study and develop sustainable growth in the region of Värmland.
Beyond the borders of the book. (Christina Olin-Scheller, Patrik Wikström)
Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2008-2011)The aim of the project was to develop knowledge about young people's reading and writing in informal learning environments, with a specific focus on fanfiction.
Reading between the lines. (Christina Olin-Scheller, Michael Tengberg)
Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2012-2015)The aim of the project was to develop knowledge about effects of different models of teaching reading.
Connected classrooms. (Christina Olin-Scheller, Marie Tanner)
Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2016-2020)The aim of the project was to, from a media ecological perspectiv, deepen the knowledge about the role of smart phones in upper secondary classrooms.
Facebook and teachers' informal professional development in social networks. (Christina Olin-Scheller, Yvonne Liljekvist, Jorryt van Bommel, Ann-Christine Randahl)
Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2016-2020)The study examines teachers of Swedish and Mathematics use of Facebook in their profession.
Sigfrid Siwertz – the rise and fall of an author (Anna Forssberg and Per-Olof Mattsson)
Internal funding (2014–2017)Sigfrid Siwertz (1882–1970) was one of the most successful Swedish writers of the 20th century. He published over seventy books and was a member of the Swedish Academy from 1932 until his death in 1970. The research anthology reflects an author’s rise and entry into a literary establishment that became increasingly more irrelevant with the emergence of modernist literature in the early 1930s. The book looks at the life and authorship of an author whom nowadays receives little attention, with many counterparts in literary history. Symposium at Karlstad University 2015, anthology published 2017.
New research networks on the authorship of Selma Lagerlöf (Anna Forssberg, Lisbeth Stenberg)
Funded by Riksbankens JubileumsfondThe first Lagerlöf symposium was held in Tokyo 20 November 2015 in collaboration with Josai University. The symposium invited researchers, media companies and students and was translated simultaneously during the presentations. The Chancellor of Josai University, Mizuta Noriko, held the opening speech, followed by four researchers and three filmmakers. The Lagerlöf symposium in Moscow was held 3–4 March 2016 at the Russian-Swedish Study Centre at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU). Everything was translated simultaneously. The leader of the centre, Tamara Torstendahl Salytjeva, opened the symposium with representatives from the Swedish Embassy and the Swedish Institute, six translators, eleven researchers and a dozen people in the audience. The Selma Lagerlöf symposium in Berlin was held 30 September to 1 October 2016 at the Humboldt University of Berlin. The symposium was organised in collaboration with the Department of Northern European Studies and the Dag Hammarskjöld professor Otto Fischer and his assistant Therese Korritter. Eight researchers, one author and one translator participated in front of about 20 listeners. The presentations were held in, or translated into, English or German. An anthology was published by the Selma Lagerlöf Society, Lagerlöfstudier 2018, Evangelium enligt Selma, edited by Anna Forssberg, Anna Nordlund and Lisbeth Stenberg.
Swedish literature and the long time scales (Alfred Sjödin)
Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2016–2018)The project aimed to investigate the subject tradition of Swedish literary research to see how the question of study periods and historicist method has influenced the definition of Swedish literature in relation to international contexts.