Comparative Literature
Comparative Literature in Karlstad has a focus on various forms of boundary-crossing in terms of theme, content and interdisciplinarity, for instance. Through traditional literary history studies students learn what borders the modern (1850–1950) and postmodern authors transgress. In our undergraduate courses we also discuss and redefine literature and the way it has traditionally been studied.
At higher levels there are courses wholly or partly geared towards boundary crossing. In poetry courses we explore how poems can also be performance, rock lyrics and experimental poetry in media other than the book. Other courses thematise the interaesthetic and intermedial art of the avantgarde, violence in literature, content and form boundary-crossing prose, regional literature as an alternative to both national and global literature, new ways of viewing fiction and fact, and other aspects. At Karlstad University we combine the study of literature with intermedial, interaesthetic and interdisciplinary aspects.
We offer courses for the degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor with comparative literature as the main field of study as well as single-subject courses. At master level we can recommend some programmes towards a professional Master’s degree. Eligibility to apply for doctoral studies is a Master’s degree (60 ECTS cr) in comparative literature.
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