Gender, Health and Technology
People’s ways of living and doing gender are deeply intertwined with health and technological practices.

For example, perceptions of gender, that are mutually constituted by intersectional differences such race, class, sexuality and ability, inform and are (re)produced in encounters between health care practitioners, patients and care givers. Similarly, the design of health care technologies such as self-tracking devices and mobile health apps, as well as the development, testing, and prescription of medicine, draw on specific understandings of gendered bodies and gendered social relations.
The research stream Gender, Health and Technology uses an interdisciplinary approach to explore how understandings of gender configure health and technological practices, which in turn make a difference in peoples’ gendered lifeworlds.
Researchers linked to this platform:
Ulf Mellström, Professor
Liu Xin, Senior Lecturer
Tara Mehrabi, Senior Lecturer
Anna Pechurina, Senior Lecturer (Docent)
Satu Heikkinen, Senior Lecturer (Docent)
Wibke Straube, Senior Lecturer
Manuel Missner, Adjunct Lecturer
Research projects
- Digital technologies, ageing and care-homes (PI: Tara Mehrabi, with Satu Heikkinen and Manuel Missner, funded by Digital Well, Vinnova)
- E-MigrAgeing - On immigration, ageing and digital technologies (PI: Anna Pechurina, Co-applicants, with Satu Heikkinen and Tara Mehrabi)
- Air quality index as the stuff of the political (PI: Liu Xin)