Project Management
Today, the term “project” is used in many different kinds of contexts.
In private life, such as losing weight, starting a family and having children, pursuing a career, or going on vacation. It is used every day at work, when developing a new product, delivering a large customer order, reorganizing or arranging an event. In community life, such as running an election campaign, starting a cooperative, in urban planning, or receiving refugees.
Projects are everywhere, and they affect us in almost all parts of our lives. Although the size, scope and content of the projects vary within an almost infinite framework, we define projects as characterized by people collaborating to create and achieve common goals. In many organizations, the project led work form is the normal way of working, in others, project led work is becoming increasingly common as a method to develop the business.
Project management cuts across industries, professional roles and subject boundaries and is about collaboration between people in all kinds of modern professional environments. The goal is to equip future project managers and project workers with knowledge in leadership techniques, project methodology, group dynamics, resource allocation and optimization.