Employment or internship at karlstad university for people from ukraine
On this page, we have gathered all information related to employment and internship at Karlstad University, if you are from Ukraine.
Are you a researcher?
If you have worked as a researcher in any of the research subjects present at Karlstad University, employment is a possibility. Several of the large research funders in Sweden and the EU have set up dedicated research grants directed at researchers who have fled Ukraine.
Contact the relevant department to investigate the possibilities of employment.
Contact the department directly, or send an e-mail to ukraina@kau.se and you will be directed to the right person.
If a department at the university, following consultation with the discipline in question, has the capacity for an appointment, you and the department can explore the possibilities of applying for funding for the employment together. If the funding is granted, the employment is handled in accordance with established procedures and rules for recruitment. This is coordinated by the HR Office and the head in charge.
It is, of course, also possible to apply for any vacancies the university has announced.
Web page for research grants directed at ukrainian researchers
On the Swedish Research Council’s web page, you can find information about the dedicated funds, research grants and the possibilities of conducting research in Sweden, for researchers who have fled Ukraine.
Other employment opportunities
For those who are not researchers but are interested in employment at Karlstad University, you need to apply for employment in competition with other people. This is because the university is a public authority. All our vacancies are announced online, where you can also apply for the job, at https://www.kau.se/en/work-with-us
The most relevant form of employment in most cases would, however, be internships or other kinds of labour market measures. You can read more about this below.
How to apply for internships
There are several ways of applying for an internship at Karlstad University. The most common method is to use one of the organisations that arrange internships. They will also provide assistance regarding insurance and compensation. We primarily recommend the Swedish Public Employment Service, which is our main partner regarding internships.
You can also contact the university directly to inquire about an internship.