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SMEER-publikationer (nya överst)
Eriksson, S., Gericke, N., & Thörne, K. (2024). Analogy competence for science teachers. Studies in Science Education, 1-29.
Wahlberg, S. J., Haglund, J., & Gericke, N. M. (2024). Metaphors on Protein Synthesis in Swedish Upper Secondary Chemistry and Biology Textbooks–A Double-Edged Sword. Research in Science Education, 1-20.
Torsdottir, A. E., Olsson, D., & Sinnes, A. T. (2024). Developing action competence for sustainability–Do school experiences in influencing society matter?. Global Environmental Change, 86, 102840.
Torsdottir, A. E., Olsson, D., Sinnes, A., & Wals, A. (2024). The relationship between student participation and students’ self-perceived action competence for sustainability in a whole school approach. Environmental Education, Research, 1-19.
Walan, S. (2024). Primary school students’ perceptions of artificial intelligence – for good or bad. International Journal of Technology & Design Education.
Forsler, A., Nilsson, P., & Walan, S. (2024) Teaching for sustainable development in vocational education, Journal of Biological Education, DOI: 10.1080/00219266.2024.2320110
Forsler, A., Nilsson, P., & Walan, S. (2023). Capturing and Developing Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Sustainable Development Using Content Representation and Video-Based Reflection. Research in science education.
Forsler, A., Nilsson, P., & Walan, S. (2023). Collective pedagogical content knowledge for teaching sustainable development. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Walan, S., & Brink, H. (2023). Students’ and teachers’ responses to use of a digital self-assessment tool to understand and identify development of twenty-first century skills when working with makerspace activities. International journal of technology and design education.
Walan, S., & Gericke, N. (2023). Transferring makerspace activities to the classroom : a tension between two learning cultures. International journal of technology and design education, 33(5), 1755-1772.
Rönner, A. C., Jakobsson, A., & Gericke, N. (2023). "Bacteria are not viruses; viruses are more malicious”-young pupils’ understanding of bacteria and viruses in the aftermath of COVID-19. Journal of Biological Education, 1-14.
Margrain, V., & van Bommel, J. (2023). Assessment and gifted discourse in Swedish early years education steering documents: tThe problem of (in)visibility. Education Sciences, 13(9), 904–904.
Jakobsson, M., van Bommel, J., Randahl, A.-C., & Modig, N. (2023). Semantiska vågor i undervisningen: Likheter och skillnader i skolämnena matematik och samhällskunskap. Utbildning och lärande, 17(2), 59–78.
Palmér, H., & van Bommel, J. (2023) Young students exploring measurement through problem solving and problem posing. The Mathematics Educator, 31(1), 30–54.
Karlsson, J., Liljekvist, Y., & van Bommel, J. (2023). Finding patterns of instructional features through a latent class analysis. Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, August 22-25, 2023. (2 pp)
van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., & Ebbelind, A. (2023) Five minutes: Young students' understanding of time. CERME, Budapest, Hungary, 10-14 July, 2023. (8 pp)
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., & van Bommel, J. (2023) Experience a sense of being, becoming and belonging to an educational design project as professional development. CERME, Budapest, Hungary, 10-14 July, 2023 (8 pp)
Bjørnebye, M., Helseth, A., & van Bommel, J. (2023) Aesthetics in embodied task design in mathematics. CERME, Budapest, Hungary, 10-14 July, 2023 (8 pp)
Margrain, V., & van Bommel, J. (2023). Assessment in the early years in Sweden: Implications for gifted children (Sweden). American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL, USA. (2 pp)
van Bommel, J., & Mellroth, E. (2023) Online mathematics enrichment in regular classes. NERA, Oslo, Norway (2 pp)
Palmér, H., van Bommel, j., & Ebbelind, A. (2023) Lärares deltagande i praktiknära forskning. EMELI, Göteborg, 22-23 mars
Bjørnebye, M., Helseth, A., & van Bommel, J. (2023) Metodiska refleksjoner om design forskning i barnehagen. EMELI, Göteborg, 22-23 mars
Torsdottir, A. E., Sinnes A. T., Olsson, D., & Wals, A. (2023). Do students have anything to say? Student participation in a whole school approach to sustainability. Environmental Education Research.
Lampert, P., Goulson, D., Olsson, D., Piccolo, J., & Gericke, N. (2023). Sustaining insect biodiversity through Action Competence—An educational framework for transformational change. Biological Conservation, 283, 110094.
Gericke, N. & Mc Ewen, B (2023). Defining Epigenetic Literacy: How to integrate epigenetics into the biology curriculum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,
Hudson, B., Gericke, N., Olin-Scheller, C., & Stolare, M. (2023) Trajectories of powerful knowledge and epistemic quality: analysing the transformations from disciplines across school subjects, Journal of Curriculum Studies,
Rönner, A-C., Jakobsson, A. & Gericke, N. (2023). Cough, sneeze, pass it on – pupils’ understanding of infectious diseases in the aftermath of COVID-19. Journal of Biological Education.
Forssten Seiser, A., Mogren, A., Gericke, N., Berglund, T., & Olsson, D. (2022). Developing school leading guidelines facilitating a whole school approach to education for sustainable development. Environmental Education Research, 1-23.
Raaijmakers, H. (2022). Powerful eyes, imaginative minds - Experiencing contemporary art and science in a third space. Licentiate thesis, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology. Karlstad University Studies, 2022:21. DIVA
Boeve-de Pauw, J., De Loof, H., Walan, S., Gericke, N., & Van Petegem,P. (2022). Teachers’ self-efficacy and role when teaching STEM in high- tech informal learning environments, Research in Science & Technological Education, DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2022.2089873
Margrain, V., & van Bommel, J. (2022). Implicit and inclusive early education for gifted children swedish policy and international possibilities. In Special Education in the Early Years (Vol. 36, pp. 43–57).
Olsson, D., & Gericke, N. (2022). The Effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Development in Promoting Students’ Action Competence for Sustainability. Oral presentation at NARST 2022, Unity and Inclusion for Global Scientific Literacy: Invite as a Community. Unite as a Community—March 27-30.
Liljekvist, Y., Randahl, A.-C., van Bommel, J., Sturk, E., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2022). ‘Sharing is caring’ : extending the professional learning community using social media. In Social media : influences on education (1st ed., pp. 103–131). Retrieved from
Gustafsson, M., van Bommel, J., & Liljekvist, Y. (2022). Connecting teachers’ use of curriculum resources in planning with mathematical knowledge for teaching. Presented at the Madif13. Retrieved from
Gustafsson, M., van Bommel, J., & Liljekvist, Y. (2022). Curricular resources and task design in mathematics education. Presented at the CERME12. Retrieved from
van Bommel, J., & Palmér, H. (2022). Dividing Cookies : What do students discern? Presented at the Madif13. Retrieved from
Palmér, H., van Bommel, J., Gäfvert, M., & Nilsson, Å. (2022). Elever i förskoleklass utforskar mätning genom problemlösning och problemformulering. Presented at the Matematikbiennalen 2022. Retrieved from
Randahl, A.-C., Liljekvist, Y., Olin-Scheller, C., & van Bommel, J. (2022). From authorised visitor to key person – a trajectory of participation in teacher Facebook groups. Education Inquiry, 1–16.
Nilsberth, M., Tengberg, M., van Bommel, J., Nissen, A., & Walkert, M. (2022). The quality of instruction in Swedish lower secondary language arts, mathematics and social science. Presented at the QUINT. Retrieved from
van Bommel, J., Nilsberth, M., Tengberg, M., & Walkert, M. (2022). What to do or what to learn : on communicating learning goals. Presented at the Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education - CERME12. Retrieved from
Palmér, H., & van Bommel, J. (2022). Young students’ choice of representation when solving a problem-solving task on combinatorics. Presented at the POEM. Retrieved from
Christenson, N., & Walan, S. (2022). Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Competence in Assessing Socioscientific Argumentation. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1-23,
Torbjörnsson, T., & Gericke, N. (2022). Identifying capital for school improvement: recommendations for a whole school approach to ESD implementation. Environmental Education Research,
Hudson, B., Gericke, N., Olin-Scheller, C., & Stolare, M. (Eds.). (2022). International Perspectives on Knowledge and Curriculum: Epistemic Quality Across School Subjects. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hudson, B., Gericke, N., Olin-Scheller, C., & Stolare, M. (Eds.). (2022). International Perspectives on Knowledge and Quality: Implications for Innovation in Teacher Education Policy and Practice. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., & Schönborn, K. J. (Eds.). (2022). Thermal cameras in science education. Springer.
Boeve-de Pauw, J., Olsson, D., Berglund, T., & Gericke, N. (2022): Teachers’ ESD self-efficacy and practices: a longitudinal study on the impact of teacher professional development, Environmental Education Research,
Olsson, D., Gericke, N., & Boeve-de Pauw, J. (2022). The effectiveness of education for sustainable development revisited – a longitudinal study on secondary students’ action competence for sustainability, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2033170
van Bommel, J., & Palmér, H. (2021). Enhancing young children’s understanding of a combinatorial task by using a duo of digital and physical artefacts. Early Years, 41(2–3), 218–231.
Liljekvist, Y., Randahl, A.-C., van Bommel, J., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2021). Facebook for Professional Development : Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Centre of Teachers’ Online Communities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(5), 723–735.
Liljekvist, Y., van Bommel, J., Olin-Scheller, C., & Randahl, A.-C. (2021). Sharing is Caring : Extending the Professional Learning Community Using Social Media. In Social Media : Influences on Education (pp. x–x).
Palmér, H., & van Bommel, J. (2021). Teachers participation in practice based research : a methodological retrospect. Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD, 26(3–4), 113–130.
Österholm, M., Bergqvist, T., Liljekvist, Y., & van Bommel, J. (2021). The Boost for Mathematics Evaluation Report.
Ariza MR, Boeve-de Pauw J, Olsson D, Van Petegem P, Parra G, Gericke N. Promoting Environmental Citizenship in Education: The Potential of the Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire to Measure Impact of Interventions. Sustainability. 2021; 13(20):11420.
Raaijmakers, H., Mc Ewen, B., Walan, S., & Christenson, N. (2021): Developing museum-school partnerships: art-based exploration of science issues in a third space, International Journal of Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1986646
Borg, Andreas (2021). Designing for the incorporation of programming in mathematical education: Programming as an instrument for mathematical problem solving. Licentiatuppsats, Karlstad University Studies, 2021: 23: Karlstad, Sweden.
Brink, Helen (2021). Modeller och modellering med digitala verktyg i högstadiets teknikundervisning. Licentiatuppsats, Karlstad University Studies 2021:20: Karlstad, Sweden.
Nordgren, K., Kristiansson, M., Liljekvist, Y., & Bergh, D. (2021)
Collegial collaboration when planning and preparing lessons: A large-scale study exploring the conditions and infrastructure for teachers’ professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education, (108), 103513.
Mc Ewen, B. (2021). Construction of a Review About Epigenetics for Biology Teachers and Other Non-experts. Sci & Educ.
Solvang, L. & Haglund, J. (2021). Learning with friction—students’ gestures and enactment in relation to a GeoGebra simulation. Research in Science Education.
Solvang, L. & Haglund, J. (2021). How can GeoGebra support physics education in upper-secondary school: a review. Physics Education, 56 055011.
Haglund, J., & Henriksson, F. (2021). Introducing infrared cameras in the study of pigs’ physiology and health as cognitive apprenticeship in vocational education. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 4(1), 5-11.
Michael Tengberg, Jorryt van Bommel, Marie Nilsberth, Michael Walkert & Anna Nissen (2021): The Quality of Instruction in Swedish Lower Secondary Language Arts and Mathematics, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
Kersting, M., Haglund, J. & Steier, R. (2021). A Growing Body of Knowledge. Science & Education.
Brink, H., Kilbrink, N., & Gericke, N. (2021). Teaching digital models: secondary technology teachers’ experiences. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
van Bommel, J., & Palmér, H. (2021). Young students’ views on problem solving versus problem posing. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 2(1), 1-13.
van Bommel, J. (2021) Formulera problemuppgifter, Skolverket, Stockholm. Länk till publikation
Kilbrink, N., & Asplund, S-B. (2020). Att lägga en TIG-svets: En learning study baserad på CAVTA. Forskning om undervisning och lärande, vol 8, nr 1, ss. 29-54. (
Asplund, S., Kilbrink, N. (2020). Lessons from the welding booth: theories in practice in vocational education. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 12(1). doi:
Liljekvist, Y., Randahl, A-C., van Bommel, J. & Olin-Scheller , C. (2020) Facebook for Professional Development: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Centre of Teachers’ Online Communities, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
Mellroth, E. (2020). Teachers’ views on teaching highly able pupils in a heterogeneous mathematics classroom. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1716065
Palmér, H., van Bommel, J. (2020) Young students posing problem-solving tasks: What does posing a similar task imply to students? ZDM Vol. 52, nr 4, s. 743-752
van Bommel, J., Randahl, A.-C., Liljekvist, Y. & Ruthven, K. (2020). Tracing teachers’ transformation of knowledge in social media. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies,87, 1-9, Article ID 102958.
van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2020) Matematikundervisning i förskoleklass. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Undersökande arbete i en laborativ tradition: Från implicita till explicita syften med praktiskt arbete i grundskolans senare del (Lunde, T., 2020)
Introduktion av värmekameror i undervisningen vid Lillerudsgymnasiet (Berg, Bergsten, Folestam, Henriksson, Karlsson, Länsberg, Mogren, Westlund & Haglund, 2020)
Embracing Digital Technology in Science Classrooms: Secondary School Teachers’ Enacted Teaching and Reflections on Practice (Walan, S., 2020)
Self-perceived action competence for sustainability: the theoretical grounding and empirical validation of a novel research instrument (Olsson, Gericke, Sass & Boeve de Pauw, 2020)
Guiding Principles of Transformative Education for Sustainable Development in Local School Organisations: Investigating Whole School Approaches through a School Improvement Lens (doktorsavhandling), (Anna Mogren, biologi 2019)
Teaching and Learning Protein Synthesis through Domain-Specific Language in Upper Secondary Education (licentiatuppsat), (Sara Wahlberg, kemi 2019)