Biomaterial process technology
The groups research is focusing on processing of raw materials with biological origin, into different types of pulps which can be further processed into a large number of technically useful products.

This research is very demanding but it is extremely important that we take care of the environment much better than today and that we build a sustainable society. It is thus of central importance that the current high consumption of non-renewable resources, such as petroleum, is replaced by raw materials of biological origin, for a long time supply to the industry and for a better environmental situation. For instance is plastic made from petroleum often non-biodegradable and non-biocompatible and such plastic therefore has to be replaced with new more sustainable varieties.
However, such a technical paradigm shift towards bio-based raw material is an enormous challenge of both technical and economic reasons and we have very little time for implementing the new processes. The industrial processes based on biomass must as soon as possible be ready to produce sustainable products in large scale but these products must also be technically and economically feasible.
The Biomaterial process technology group at Karlstad University has large experience in chemical technology for developing new processes based on wood and other types of annual plants and we have a very well equipped instrument park including equipment for producing regenerated cellulose. Other research specialities are chemical pulping of wood, dissolution of cellulose, novel material concepts based on lignocellulose and integration of different industrial processes.
Some general research objectives of this group are:
- Deepen the understanding of chemical pulping of lignocellulose preferentially for dissolving pulps.
- Develop novel and improved concepts for regenerated cellulose
- Develop novel bio-based materials with high plasticity
- Investigate if the dissolution of cellulose from wood can be done using more selective methods
- Investigate how bio-based industries can gain economically by integration with other industries.
Ulf Germgård, Helena Håkansson and Gunnar Henriksson
List of actual research Projects:
- Mechanism for acid sulphite pulping for dissolving pulp
- New method for analysis of dissolved lignin in the fiberline
- Integration of technical processes for more efficient processes and less polluting impact on the environment.
- Novel biobased concepts for 3D-printers